Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Narrator In Raymond Carvers The Cathedral
The Narrator In Raymond Carvers The Cathedral Fiction writers use various ways in telling their story. One of such ways includes the establishment of the position through which the storyteller is to convey the plot. Raymond Carvers Cathedral is a perfect example of a story from a first person narrator. A first person narrator lacks a complete hold and knowledge of other characters and often gives incomplete information and perceptions about them. In the story, the use of first person narrator gives the story in the perspective of I. The anonymous character in Cathedral is revealed as having misconstrues and limitations in the story (Stern 50) His flaws are evident in the manner in which he interacts with other characters in the story. Nevertheless, the author gives the narrator an opportunity to grow and prove his stereotypes wrong. Confusion and ignorance are a great impediment for ones true focus in life. A slight moment with the truth can be a turning point in a persons life; giving an opportunity to remedy past mistakes and misconceptions. The narrator is presented as having various inadequacies and flaws which prevent him from getting a clear view of the world. Perhaps, the narrators prejudice against blind people reveals more about his character. The narrator clearly shows his uneasiness with the blind man visiting, And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies the bind moved slowly and never laughed (Carver 186). Apparently, the narrator foolishly searches for any reason to dismiss the blind man. For instance, the narrator says, Id always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.I remembered reading somewhere that the blind didnt smoke (Carver 190-191). The blind man is a friend of his wife and is paying the couple a visit. Evidently, the narrator is naÃÆ' ¯ve and ignorant about blind people. Through the reactions and actions of the narrator, we are able to infer some elements of his character flaws. For instance, it is undoubtedly true that the n arrator is overly insecure. As a man of the house, he is afraid that the feminine can take away his position. This is demonstrated symbolically through the use of the castle in the story (Bullock 343). The masculine castle of the narrator is demonstrated by the differentiation of whatever is inside and outside. As a male, the narrator must be able to not only prevent any form of external intrusion but also the threat of the feminine power he lives with. Surprisingly, the threat he faces is his own feminine nature. The narrator is devoid of self-awareness. His attitude towards Robert, the blind man and his wife depict a great deal of the narrators insensitivity. In fact, he betrays himself through his inarticulate manner of speech. A plethora of flaws can be drawn from the mannerisms shown by the narrator (Bugeja 80). The author applies the present situation of the narrator as well as the past experiences to paint a full picture about the life of the narrator. As a working person, there is nothing desirable about the narrators job. From the story, we gather information that the narrator is struggling with bad habits. In the past, the narrators wife is said to have attempted to commit suicide. She also has had a divorce and seemingly, her marriage to the narrator is definitely an unhappy one. Yet, the narrator does not seem to be there for her. The narrator is not only a drunkard but also a drug addict. He spends most of his time after work in his living room watching TV. Worse still, he does no t seem to have a flicker of enthusiasm about his marriage. In fact, he does not show signs of intimacy with anybody in his life. All these are signs of ignorance and insensitivity. The transformation of the narrator comes rather unexpectedly. From the beginning of the story, he can see Robert as a mere blind man. He resents him and dismisses him as useless and weak. In fact, the narrators stereotypical associations of the blind man are not different with that of a common person. However, a turning point comes in his life when he spends time with Robert. At first, the narrator feels rather awkward that his wife does not keep her guest comfortable. Robert, aware of the narrators weaknesses and his lonely life, endeavors to create a relationship with him. He takes advantage of the narrators TV viewing habits to dispel the stereotypes and misplaced perceptions of the narrator. Unknown to the narrator, Robert is possesses very string personality. Unlike the narrator, the blind man is self sufficient, confident, sensitive, perceptive, and self-assured as well as gregarious. Moreover, Robert is immensely knowledgeable; possessing a heightened capability and awareness. As it dawns on the narrator, disability is not inability. The narrator recognizes the humanity possessed by Robert in spite of his blindness. The growth of the narrator comes along with his revised perception and stereotypes about blind people. The use of the cathedral is significant in the story. It is used as an implied metaphor suggesting the isolation that the narrator faces as a masculine figure. The craving for the masculine narrator to maintain his power and ego seems as an imprisonment (Lacan 1280). After obtaining re-assurance from Robert, the narrator clearly changes his direction. The blind man does not meet the stereotypes possessed by the narrator about blind men. The moment he spends with Robert turns out to be his turning point. The TV program on cathedrals offers a chance for the narrator to come into self recognition, allying all previous fears about blindness. As the narrator draws the cathedral while his eyes are closed, he expresses the liberty he feels. He admits that I was in my house. I knew that. But I didnt feel like I was inside anything. This is certainly a transformation of the earlier masculinity held by the narrator. The symbolism in the use of cathedral is that when the narrator draws it, he i s designing a new masculinity different from that of the castle. The narrator escapes from his feeling of insecurity embracing a new dawn; a complete rebirth. The dependency of masculinity on others to achieve its full potential is depicted in the response given by Robert about cathedrals. Being blind, Robert describes a cathedral as he has just heard from the TV. According to the blind man, generations of the same families worked on a cathedralà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Men who their lifes work on themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. never lived to see the completion of their work (Carver 190). In this, it is evident that that just like Robert is a crucial catalyst towards the development of the narrator, men are similar to cathedrals and have to have these supports. To help hold them up, so to speak. These supports are called buttresses (Carver 191). Men need support like the cathedrals for them to reach the up. According to the narrator, men built cathedrals during the olden days for them to be closer to God. The metaphor presented through the use of a religious building shows a need for design directed towards religious dimension. Although the dimension is not presented through doctrines, we can decipher it from the church wedding for the blind man and his wife (Bullock 345). Ignorance can pose a great danger in the life a person; particularly in their daily interactions with other people. Failure to adopt open mindedness and a free focus towards life can render an individual into imaginary blindness. Physical blindness does not mean mental blindness; a physically blind person can show a normal person with clear vision the way. Stereotypes are the dwelling places for confusion and ignorance; favoring the perpetuation of misplaced imaginations and beliefs.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Technology Computer Science
This proves that the relation of technology wit h Humanity has countless and often unpredictable outcomes and effects on today's society. The smartened is a prime example of advancement of technology and its in attraction with humans. Cellular devices such as the smartened went from the classic buttons to the more common touchstones. And when people might have began thinking that that was the farthest a phone could be technologically advanced, they were proven wrong again! No w Humans only have the unique and quick option to instead type a text to communicate and array out actions, we now have the unique option to instead use voice guidance.Technology and Humanity: A Positive Side Technology has done nothing but good for the Human race since the beginning Eng of time! Positive effects technology has on society include Education, transportation, H should and Industry, Exchange Of Information, Advertising and Entertainment, Cellular C immunization and countless more. Technology influen ces many other aspects of our lives; d erectly and indirectly. Simply put, technology is almost a necessity in today's society. Where would we be as a people without technology? This question can only b e answered with disaster.Technology gives mankind a sense of direction and guidance an d without it, almost everything we take for granted today, would be a struggle without the gift that t is technology. Complications and problems that would exist without the presence of techno ago could include minimum communications, drastically slower Transportation, Limited Connect actions, Knowledge and even Education! For example, there are key pros of Technology with concerns to Education. Wi the Technology and Education hand in hand, technology further enhances people' s (student's) interests about School in general.For example, being engaged with their less ones by being occupying themselves with virtual field trips and video tutorials. With Technology and Humanity, there are endless positi ve possibilities that AR discovered and developed in everyday life. For example, www. Academia. Deed's article discusses numerous success between the two, â€Å"Technological advancements have show n a substantial growth concerned with each and every field whether it be the communication systems, astronomy, semiconductor devices,automobiles, electronic devices of daily u sage, belletristic vices, building and architectural design techniques or the computers†.The pros may seem endless, however there are cons as well. Advancement in Technology: A Darker Side Where there are upsides to a situation, there are downsides. With Technology , there are without a doubt cons when it comes to their relationship with Humanity. This â€Å"Darker Side†of technology includes major reliance on technology, the abuse of technology, a ND the time consuming effects Of technology. Technology is a wonderful things, and Humans love using it, whether they're c amputees, tablets, phones, and e ven television. However, this can become highly addict eve and cause Humans to be â€Å"too†actively engaged with technology.Due to this, we become so busy and distracts us from spending time with loved ones and even doing everyday cacti pities. Society has developed a major dependence and reliance on Technology. This can cause us to lack patience, and even a willingness to act before we think. For example e, we can become inpatient in slight situations, such as waiting for speedy responses to our Emma ills, texts, and calls. This major dependence on technology can negatively affect us in situations w ere we need patience and even do something ourselves without the use of technology.Weapon Engineering: Technology and Weapon's are one in the same. But many will ask the control reseal question, is it for a good or better worse cause? Believe it is for both. Weapons are useful; even a need in most situations. Womb. Academia. Due state â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon incorrigiblenes s and provides a huge advance. Rive Larry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the country sees compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This is a huge plus because weaponry is not only local, for example, a robbery or house invasion. It is worldwide!Etc homology advances weaponry everyday, and they are required in even the biggest of sit cautions such as War. Weapons, on the other hand obviously could be a negative thing. Vow. Aced aim. Due states â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon engineering propels and provides a huge advance CE. Rivalry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the coo entries compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This quote high hilts the issue of he possibility Of full on world warfare, all due to the greediness and competition venues of countries too have the latest and strongest weapons.Quite honestly, its only a mat ter of time when they will be used; this should not be a possibility whatsoever. However, this is the problem that weapons/ technology pose on the world today. Artificial Intelligence: What is Artificial Intelligence? According to www. W. Merriment's. Com, is is†1 : an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like the eye have human intelligence 2: the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior†. Believe it or not, there are many reasons to like and dislike Artificial Intelligence.Albert Hubbard once said, â€Å"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary me n. No machine can do the work Of one extraordinary man†. This is true without a do but. Artificial Intelligence is used everyday to the benefit of mankind. With that being said, t here are numerous benefits of Artificial Intelligence. For example, accomplishing tasks without get ting tired. An example of this is getting a specific objective or task completed wi thout taking breaks such as a lunch or coffee break. In summary, Artificial Intelligence can get a job done al most instantly, compare to that of humans alone. The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that m en will begin to think like computers†is a quote stated by Sydney J. Harris. It is quite accurate. Despite the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, there are key disadvantages to it. What if the Artificial Intelligence were to break down? If you were performing a task, such as transfer erring money from one device to another, it could all be gone in an instant. Ironically, just as easy it is to complete a ask with Artificial Intelligence, it IS as easy for an entire task to turn into nothing Eng. Sadly, there are numerous other cons to Artificial Intelligence.There is also the e possibility of losing countless amounts of information. Http:// half-heartedness's. Org further explains, â€Å"In particular cases, because of the malfunction of s pecific parts, artic facial mind can fall short to keep its memory all the files which it must have. This thing can also o occur with humans. Once a person is liable of the keeping of information and collection of data an d fall short to do he job, it is somewhat that is accepted and frequently branded as your mists eke- On the other hand, with artificial mind it is not assumed and this really makes the entire did preference, in the end making it an issue.Artificial intelligence or computer system requires to be s witched off on a daily basis for work maintenance. This could be a restraint to output and office once as well as to the whole interests and benefits of the company in question†. Artificial Intelligent once is truly a Wild Card in its possible outcomes. Medical Technology: Medical Technology, according to NNW. Wisped. Com is â€Å"Medical Technology, which is a proper subset of health technology, encompasses a wide range of healthy are products and is used to diagno se, monitor or treat diseases or medical conditions affecting h unmans†.Medical Technology is a positive side of the relationship between technology and hum Anita. This deals with the improvement of human health, and this is key to society. People will continue to gets, hurt and injured. The field isn't going away anytime soon. Medicine is the Holy Grail of human health, and without it people would not s reeve. Medical Science is extremely beneficial, â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that h eave allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan. As stated by www. Academia. De u. Due to the advancement and development of Medical Technology/ Science, human life spans are expanding and people are living longer and happier lives because of it. Nuclear Technology: Nuclear Technology is a very debatable topic. Nuclear weapons, nuclear media cine, and nuclear power are among the m any applications Nuclear Power can be used f or. One of the most controversial being Nuclear Weapons. However, when determining an opinion on this topic, it should be determined from a standpoint of the people as a whole, rather that n individually.A positive aspect of Nuclear Technology includes Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear M educing diagnoses diseases, x rays can identify sensitive parts of the body when identity faying a disease, physicians can perform their operations easier and more responsibly due to Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Power is another positive for Nuclear Technology. Nuclear Power is c noninsured as another great source of energy, and it is a manageable source of regenerate energy. However, there are numerous downsides to Nuclear Technology. Although N clear Power can be positive, some negatives sometimes outweighs it.Nuclear Pope r produces radiation, which can lead to cancer in Humans and almost everything about N clear Power is expensive. Www. Half-heartedness's. Org s tates that â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan†. Lastly, there is the issue of Nuclear Weapons. When used, Nuclear Weapons are highly dangerous. The RI sky of human life when these weapons are used are great.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Politics Of The United States - 1315 Words
The US Presidency Having established a background into the British system of government we can now turn our attention to the United States of America. Located several thousand miles across the Atlantic, this global superpower has much in common with the United Kingdom, principally the values and institutions that render its political system democratic. That being said, the infrastructure of the system in place in the United States is vastly different from that of the UK. Trias Politica As a relatively new country less than a quarter of a millennium old, the USA operates with a codified constitution ratified in 1788. This document outlines a national framework of government. Key to this is the notion of a separation of powers, whereby the executive, judiciary and legislature are separate and independent of each other. The president of the United States is named in this document as the head of state and the head of government, namely, the federal executive. The powers and duties of this office are outlined, such as the president s authority as commander in chief and the right to grant pardons. As a result of this clarity, the evolution of the office of president has taken a different approach to that of prime minister. Like the UK, a strong body of discourse is present even in the face of a codified settlement. That being said, theorists outside the fields of constitutional law interpret the presidency in range of ways. Tulis and the Rhetorical Presidency Jeffery Tulis isShow MoreRelatedThe Politics Of The United States Politics1877 Words  | 8 Pagesso caught up in the lies that it is virtually impossible to escape. Truth is highly valued in society; so, what are the reactions when the leaders of society lie to their constituents? This is an issue that has recently manifested in the United States’ politics. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Leadership Analysis Assignment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1342 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Leadership Analysis To define a leader, as previously read, one has to presume that an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s character is conducive to the environment for which he/she leads. However, that is not always the case. Sure, it is true that character, value, beliefs, skills, attributes and multi-faceted cultures are what dictates the outcome of a leader, but it does not necessarily mean that the individual will do well in all environments. Yet, we can assess from our studies (Hughes,, 2012), that a leader who doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t do well in one culture, may do well in another. All organizations possess different types of cultures (Bennis, 1999). These cultures consist of laborers, executives, etc. Yet, a laborer culture in an automotive industry may share similar commonalities with labor cultures of a different industry, and even though they are labeled with the same culture identification, will not encounter the same issues. Nevertheless, there will be similarities, but they will be experienced within a different set of circumstances. Though Bennis (1999) gave a significant amount of insight on culture and its influence on leaders, I still believe that it would be best to expand and redefine organizational cultures a bit further than the three cultures with subcultures. Great leaders are made, says Vince Lombardi (n.d.) (as cited, Hughes,, 2012), and we have heard this throughout history. As true as this is, leaders do not start out in their life that way. Each individual has been shaped by their own set of personal circumstances, situations, life beliefs, etc. Even more so, you can take 2 individuals, who shared the same set of parents, home, friends, community, values, schools, etc., and they will relate a different experience on what life was like growing up. Some will say that life was hard; another would say that it was the best ever. Therefore, this illustrates that all leaders, being humans, are shaped by s uch and possess predispositions to certain behavior. In addition, I ascertained how extremely important it is to understand that a leader will evolve into a different type of leader; this is dependent upon what the leader deems to be the utmost important factors of the position (Toegel, G., Barsoux, J., 2012). If a leader is segregated from the people and numbers take precedence, then it is possible that this manager would likely see a definite change in their point of view (Bennis, 1999). Throughout my years and my careers, I have witnessed several different types of leader personalities and traits. Ideally, I can conclude that my preferred type of manager/leader would possess the style of a country club leader that was mixed with a team leader. I view myself as a combination of both of these styles (Hughes,, 2012). However, I have seen managers that completely base their authority in management on fear and intimidation. Threats and fear lie at the very core of this appro ach. I have referenced to this style of management as the dinosaur style of leadership that once dominated leadership many years ago like the dinosaurs, may it fade away, as well. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s not uncommon to see leaders early on, take on roles that reflect their personality. I have decided that it is common for a leader to be discovered, usually, early on in their lives. Whether as a student, or a newcomer, usually are seen in roles that are conducive to their predisposition (Karkoulian, et. al, 2009). Self-discovery is the key. Personally, I never knew the power that existed within me until a relative told me repeatedly that I could sell shoes to a snake. I was in my early 20à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t quite know if this was meant as a compliment or insult. Then, some years later, I realized that whenever I felt passionate, highly regarded something, or had solid views on a matter, I was able to convey that message accordingly. This proved beyond m easure that leadership is composed of passion, power, beliefs, views, communication skills, predisposition, etc. Though the list is very extensive, we have to analyze education and its effects on leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s roles. Education has been shown to be an effective means to success for all individuals. It is show or display of commitment for the future. However, this does not settle itself just in the form of formal education, but in school of life as well. Life skills consist of learning to do for oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own self and to hold oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own, so to speak. Learning occurs from birth and should continue until one is no longer able to do so. Leaders must apply their skills, proficiencies to their positions not only to complete the task at hand, but rather, to gain the trust and credibility of the co-workers. When this is established, there is a form of respect amongst the team. Unfortunately, when this is not the case, it is more than likely that th e leader/manager will not like their job position, potentially suffer at the hands of irrespective employees and ultimately, lose their position. Additional reflection needs to be incorporated into professional lives, including the follower and leaders respective positions. Reflection is something that needs to be performed ritualistically in order to engage in continual improvement. This involves looking at day-to-day business, and realizing what could have been done better; more efficiently and effectively (Hughes,, 2012). In order to apply this across board can be challenging, due to the complexity of the nature of leading within an organization. As I always say, wherever there are people, there are going to be challenges and mistakes. This, in my opinion is not a negative statement but rather an acceptance on what needs to occur in order to keep the ship flowing smoothly. Other areas of reflection should be of the leaders self. Self reflection takes a close look at o neà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own goals, unwanted behaviors and patterns and gives/receives feedback. I find that feedback from co-workers, mentors, and managers, is the best way to see yourself from a different perspective. At times, I have witnessed specific dysfunctional behaviors, along with their detrimental effects to a leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s authority and how it negates the respect sought. So, whenever possible, it is best to listen to feedback from co-workers, colleagues, etc., and see if their comments align with one another. Then, it is time to learn ways to disengage or cease the behavior. At this point, we can see that it takes a lot of time, energy, focus, commitment to earn the status of a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“great leader.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Though, not easy, it is a great accomplishment. It takes an ethical leader to truly value the followers and co-workers. If this is not made a part of the leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life, then where is the true success? It is very important to never lose sight of the value and importance of those whom one leads. For it is in the followers, that make a successful leader and vice versa. References Barrow, J. C. (1977). The Variables of Leadership: A Review and Conceptual Framework.Academy Of Management Review,2(2), 231. doi:10.5465/AMR.1977.4409046 Bennis, W. (1999). The end of leadership: exemplary leadership is impossible without full inclusion, initiatives, and cooperation of followers. Organizational Dynamics, 28(1), 71- 79. Harland, L. K. (2003). Using Personality Tests in Leadership Development: Test Format Effects and the Mitigating Impact of Explanations and Feedback.Human Resource Development Quarterly,14(3), 285. Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., Curphy, G. (2012). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kalshoven, K., Den Hartog, D., De Hoogh, A. (2011). Ethical Leader Behavior and Big Five Factors of Personality.Journal Of Business Ethics,100(2), 349-366. Kark oulian, S., Messarra, L., Sidani, M. (2009). Correlates of the bases of power and the big five personality traits: an empirical investigation.Journal Of Organizational Culture, Communications And Conflict, (2), 71. Levine, M., Boaks, J. (2014). What Does Ethics Have to do with Leadership?.Journal Of Business Ethics,124(2), 225-242. Powell, C. (2005, November 6). Never Show Fear or Anger. Retrieved October 9, 2014. Toegel, G., Barsoux, J. (2012). How to become a better leader.MIT Sloan Management Review, (3), 51. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Leadership Analysis Assignment" essay for you Create order
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