Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Importance of Preserving the Union in John Milton’s Paradise Lost Essay
The Importance of Preserving the Union in Paradise Lostâ â â â â â â â â Â Â â â Critics have since quite a while ago contended over the force structure working in the sex relations of Milton's Paradise Lost. Be that as it may, to truly get Adam and Eve and the complexities of their relationship, it is important to see them as far as an association, not as discrete individuals competing for power. Since they are an association of contraries, the force quandary is a debatable issue despite the fact that a chain of importance exists; it is a progressive system of information, not of intensity, and it not the slightest bit infers that Adam needs Eve any short of what she needs him. All things considered, the two of them need each other similarly as much since they each have qualities and shortcomings that are supplemented by the other&emdash; this fundamentally prompts their interdependency. They are alternate extremes, each with their own restrictions (which Milton clarifies especially through their creation stories and their pre-fall relationship), w ho meet up to shape an exceptionally amazing and strong association. Everything that Adam and Eve do all through the account of Paradise Lost, most clearly during and after the Fall, is aimed at protecting their association. The parity of their relationship changes after the Fall and takes into account the recovery of the association just as mankind. Milton shows the contrary natures of Adam and Eve all through their creation accounts. Adam is made during the day, and his creation underlines the warmth of the sun: As new wak't from soundest rest Delicate on the flourie herb I discovered me laid In Balmie Sweat, which with his Beames the Sun Before long dri'd. (8.253-56) The sun is both light and warmth, and it assumes a significant job in Adam's creation: The sun helps creation by drying Adam (Flannagan 441). Then again, Ev... ...lady: they are two powers which must stay in balance, or in the event that they change, they should change as per one another and deal with another association. The relationship of Adam and Eve changes incredibly throughout Paradise Lost and however they lose a lot of what they start with, they end with what they need: one another and a recently characterized association whose terms the two of them acknowledge. Â Works Cited Froula, Christine. At the point when Eve Reads Milton: Undoing the Canonical Economy. John Milton. Ed. Annabel Patterson. New York: Longman, 1992. 142-164. McColley, Diane Kelsey. Milton's Eve. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1934. Milton, John. Heaven Lost. Ed. Roy Flannagan. New York: Macmillan, 1993. Webber, Joan Malory. The Politics of Poetry: Feminism and Paradise Lost. Milton Studies. Vol. 14. Ed. James D. Simmonds. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1980. 3-24. Â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Diverse Abilities - Asperger's syndrome Research Paper
Various Abilities - Asperger's disorder - Research Paper Example In addition, it sees incorporation as a road for pushing correspondence among students with shifted foundations. Subsequently, instructors must have the essential information and abilities in showing youngsters with AS. There is additionally a requirement for joint effort with authorities, experts, different educators, overseers, and guardians. There is a requirement for readiness since there are a few difficulties to be thought of. Luckily, there are methods and proposals that can help the instructor in making a comprehensive climate. Report Introduction Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) was first clarified in 1944. Hans Asperger was an Austrian pediatrician. Be that as it may, AS was better known during the 1990s when scientists like Uta Frith, Lorna Wing, and Tony Attwood carried it to universal intrigue. In 1994, it got normalized as a determination. It is sorted under Pervasive Developmental Disorders in the DSM-IV. Be that as it may, there are still questions with respect to its distinction from advanced chemical imbalance or HFA (Holliday, 1999). â€Å"Asperger’s condition is a formative issue bringing about weakness in social association, relational abilities and prohibitive interests. The turmoil can likewise incorporate engine awkwardness and issues with penmanship and being excessively touchy to explicit sound-related and material encounters. There can likewise be issues with authoritative and time the board aptitudes and clarifying musings and thoughts utilizing speech†(Attwood, 1998, p.15). This disorder may show in a child’s certain formative stage. There is generally a decay of progress before age 22. A person with AS has delays in his socialization and relational abilities. Specifically, a 7-year-old kid with AS appearances different difficulties, for example, extreme touchiness in straightforward acts like shaking hands, trouble in making companions, having a few issues in school work like composition, number-crunching, just as remaining in the correct line, and conveying a discussion with somebody. Numerous people could likewise be misdiagnosed or go undiscovered since the indications are firmly identified with different sorts of disarranges. As indicated by Goble (1995), most understudies with AS are in ordinary setting homerooms and proceed with their instruction with no expert assistance. Bauer (1996) additionally expresses that many are mixed up to have ADHD since some of their qualities are very comparative (Carrington and Graham, 1999). For instance, both of these scatters have side effects like trouble in relating with others, delay in engine abilities, and fits of rage. Asperger’s has been known as â€Å"high working autism.†It is one of the disarranges of the mental imbalance range (Allen and Johnson, 2011). It has specific attributes which might possibly show in all people. Since AS influences the sensory system, there could be difficulties over the various measurements. This business card of a person with AS will tell anybody the fundamental data about the condition: â€Å"I have Asperger’s Syndrome, a neurobiological issue that occasionally makes it hard for me to talk and act tranquilly and sanely. In the event that I have given you this card, it presumably implies I think I am acting in a manner that may be upsetting to you. To put it plainly, Asperger’s Syndrome can make it hard for me to: talk gradually, abstain from interfering, and control my hand developments and my squinting. It likewise makes it difficult for me to follow your musings so that
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Decisions, Decisions..
Decisions, Decisions….. Ahh Pi day. Its an important day for nerds worldwide, but its perhaps most important for some future nerds here at MIT (not to be confused with nerds from the future here at MIT). As Im sure you already know, decisions day (D-Day from here on out) is upon us and for the prospective students that means sweaty palms, quickened paces, and anxiety that WebMD cant explain (the likes of which you wont see again until prom) and bandwidth-crippling refreshes of https://decisions.mit.edu/verify.php. If this sounds like you, then you are who Im talking to right now. Theres just one thing you need to do between now and tomorrow: Dont Panic (and remember your towel) You see, MIT is a great many wonderful things, and its the place I love being at the most (a good thing since I spend most of my waking hours here â€" most of my sleeping is done when Im on vacation =] ). It is not however the end-all deciding factor of whether or not youll be happy for the rest of your life though. Somehow I missed that when I was applying so I hope you guys dont. D-day is a day of extremes, lots of people will be ecstatic to get their decision; many more will be disappointed. If you dont get it, dont sweat it. Really. The admissions office is a well-greased machine that is incredibly efficient at figuring out whos gonna be happy to be here or not. Their job is in some ways to look out for you. Theres a certain relationship the two of you have: Admissions knows MIT very well, but you not so much. You know yourself pretty well (at least I hope you do you live with you!), but you dont really know how MIT is. You might think to yourself oh but I know so much about MIT! and that might be true, but you dont know about being at MIT. And thats what Admissions knows about. MIT is hard. Almost anyone knows that, but the way its hard is a bit more transient. Its tough now even to explain, but I distinctly remember my first week real week here I thought, I get it, I know why people wouldnt want to come here. Its not for everyone. So in short, if you dont get in, dont worry. It doesnt mean youre not destined to do great things, nor that youre forced to be unhappy at some other college because youre not good enough. On the contrary, if you dont get in its a good indication that this probably wasnt the best choice for you. From here on out, changes in your life are dramatic and fast. It doesnt seem like two years ago that I was driving home from the bank thinking about what the computer screen would tell me Id do for the next four years of my life. Before you know it, it will be you guys wholl be amazed by how far away just two years ago seems (and Ill be graduatingEEP!). But no matter where you end up going to school, take it by the horns. Carve out a niche for yourself, join clubs, talk to professors, explore and think. Those are the qualities that will make your life as an intellectual enjoyable no matter where you go, and those are the qualities you already haveâ€" just dont forget about them. MIT is a tool you can use for your education, but there many others that can do the job as well. Youre in charge though; its your life. Make something of it. (also feel free to read what I wrote before decisions last year: http://www.mitadmissions.org/topics/misc/miscellaneous/about_tomorrow.shtml) Good luck, so say we all!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Banishment Censorship of Twains Huckleberry Finn Essay
Banishment Censorship of Twains Huckleberry Finn Banishment? The novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, has received much criticism through the years. Yet Ernest Hemingway, among other great American writers, considers this work a great American classic. This novel addresses many social issues in the South before the Civil War, causing some critics to find it racist or degrading to the African American culture. For this reason, these critics often attempt to ban Huckleberry Finn, or at least censor it, taking it out of the teaching curriculum for junior high and high school students. Analyzing Twain’s major themesâ€â€his satire of racism, the cruelty of the dehumanization of Jimâ€â€and the ignorance and inhumanity†¦show more content†¦At times the reader can miss the message and take the vulgar and demeaning passage offensively, explaining the desire of some people to keep it away from their children. This action may have some benefit for some younger students, but that should not give the allow ance to completely ban the book. In the eleventh grade, students receive the requirement to read Huckleberry Finn. By this time, they have matured enough to handle the mature nature of this book and have the ability to read it objectively. Also, in high school, teachers focus more on theme and interpretation of writing instead of focusing on just the plot. This allows the teachers to explain the satire in Twain’s writing, and helps the students understand the meaning of the vulgarity in the characters. In Twain’s novel, Miss Watson, Huck Finn’s caretaker, owns Jim. She discovers that selling Jim could put $800 in her pocket, making her think of Jim merely as property. Booker T. Washington when defending Huckleberry Finn in the North American Review, â€Å"Before one gets through with the book, one cannot fail to observe that in some way or other the author, without making any comment and without going out of his way, has somehow succeeded in making his readers feel a genuine respect for â€Å"Jim†, in spite of the ignorance he displays. I cannot help feeling that in this character Mark Twain has, perhaps unconsciously,Show MoreRelatedCensorship is in Contradiction to Children’s Rights Essay examples819 Words  | 4 Pages Censorship has become a long standing practice within our society. Who gets to decide what American citizens say, read or view? There are organizations that review and rate, guard or block information. Governmental entities create laws enforcing censorship and place judgment against those that break those laws. These restrictions often result in conflict against them and in favor of protecting our civil rights. The practice of censorship by authoritative, policy-making entities is in con flict
Friday, May 8, 2020
Eudora Welty s `` A Worn Path `` - 2399 Words
Eudora Welty was a renowned American author who used literary themes and devices to describe the complexities of the human mind and soul. Through her short stories, Welty paints a vivid portrait based on morals, hardships, and human relationships. In her stores, Welty combines this with humor and psychological acuity to allow the audience a glimpse into the lives of her characters and to learn something of themselves in the process. Two of her most famous short works are â€Å"Death of a Traveling Salesman†and â€Å"A Worn Path†. In her works like â€Å"Death of a Traveling Salesman†, Eudora Welty reminds her readers that modernization and work isn’t always a good thing and that we should enjoy our lives. In â€Å"A Worn Path,†Welty demonstrates that anyone can accomplish anything if they struggle and work hard for it, even if the path towards success is a difficult one. However, in today’s society many people have forgotten these traditio nal values and are forgetting what morals are, what human relationships are like beyond the 4.55 pound of technology, and what it’s like to think for themselves and learn from their own interpretations. Born in 1909 in Jackson, Mississippi Eudora Welty was an American novelist and short story writer, who wrote about life in the American South. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin, she began writing and publishing her works of fiction as early as 1936. One of the first stories she ever wrote and published was â€Å"Death of a TravelingShow MoreRelatedEudora Welty s A Worn Path1560 Words  | 7 PagesA person’s journey can have symbols that come through everyone’s life. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. In â€Å"A Worn Path†by Eudora Welty, Eudora describes symbols by using people that come through Phoenix’s path while she’s in her journey to Natchez. Eudora uses a nickel, marble cake, big dead trees, mistletoe, and a white hunter to symbolize Phoenix’s difficulties and obstacles that she had to go through in order to get to her destination. In the short story, PhoenixRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path1481 Words  | 6 PagesA very famous writer and novelist, Eudora Welty, has written many short stories and novels. Welty’s work is mainly focused with great precision on the regional manners of people inhabiting a small Mississippi town that resembles her own birthplace and the Delta country. Welty was born on April 13, 1909 and was raised by her close-knit and loving parents. In fact, Welty inherited the love of language from her mother. During her lifetime, Welty has earned many awards from her short stories and novelRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path970 Words  | 4 Pagesstrength to achieve any goal, or conquer any obstacle in life. In Eudora Welty s A Worn Path, her main protagonist, Mrs. Phoenix Jackson, perfectly displays the strength that a human possess. Despite being of old age, poor and out of shape, Mrs. Jackson s strength defies these odds on the worn path that she walks daily. Human strength i s abundant in A Worn Path, as the author shows the reader the reason why mankind is so strong. Welty demonstrates that love is what makes Mrs. Jackson, and everyoneRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path856 Words  | 4 Pages Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path†demonstrations how people in the early twentieth century could not see past the color of one’s skin and the hardships which are faced because of this blindness. Welty short story demonstrations these difficulties with Phoenix Jackson and her journey to town. Through symbolism and motifs and even the symbolism has double meaning. For example, â€Å"seem like there is chains about my feet†(Welty 1) as her path is face with a hill. Yes, it could be just the hardship of theRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path854 Words  | 4 Pages Eudora Welty’s A Worn Path portrays an elderly woman, Phoenix, who endures a regular, strenuous journey into town to receive medicine for her grandson from a charita ble pharmacy. She encounters difficulty aroused by nature and disapproving townspeople but triumphs and succeeds her goal. The use of characterization and symbolism creates A Worn Path by representing a strong and significant protagonist, as well as offering a symbolic meaning of life and courage when faced with love. The short storyRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path992 Words  | 4 Pages23, but he keeps limping forward. Phoenix Jackson, the elderly woman in Eudora Welty’s, â€Å"A Worn Path†, is a lot like the injured runner. It is her astounding bravery and her innate cunning, along with her eternal love for her grandson, which gives her the ability to endure the hardships of her journey to get her grandson’s medicine. Phoenix Jackson is able to overcome each obstacle and adversity she encounters along the path due to her unending perseverance. Phoenix Jackson is described as a frailRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path946 Words  | 4 PagesIn the short story, â€Å"A Worn Path narrator by Eudora Welty, of an elderly African American woman takes a journey with the purpose of obtains medication for her grandson while facing many problematic obstacles. Phoenix Jackson is fragile with poor vision old lady that â€Å"Old eyes thought you was a pretty little green bush.†(649). Phoenix ability to see was difficult for her to walk the path that she remembers so clearly but wish nothing to stand in her way. The legendary Phoenix symbolizes renewalRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path956 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction James Saunders wrote an interesting article â€Å"’A Worn Path’ The Eternal Quest of Welty’s Phoenix Jackson†(The Southern Literary Journal 25.1, Fall 1992: p62-73.) that not only analyzed Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path†(The Collected Works of Eudora Welty) from his perspective but also included the perspectives of other authors which makes his article an excellent source for interpretations of ‘A Worn Path’. Summary Saunders article summarizes Phoenix Jackson as a symbol of the ChristianRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path1877 Words  | 8 Pagesis a symbol of evil or death. This literary technique helps the reader understand a deeper meaning of the central message that the author is trying to portray. In this case, Eudora Welty uses symbolism like a powerful tool. A manifold of symbolic connotations can be made in â€Å"A Worn Path†by Eudora Welty. â€Å"A Worn Path†is a short story about an old black woman named Phoenix Jackson. She has to make this long journey to town in order to get medicine for her ill grandson; she is all he has gotRead MoreAnalysis Of Jack London And Eudora Welty s A Fire And A Worn Path 1406 Words  | 6 PagesEng. 120 Carolyn Maynard Professor Kirkby 06/18/ 2015 C/C #1 Two Troublesome Journeys In the stories To Build a Fire and A Worn Path, Jack London and Eudora Welty tell the stories of two protagonists going on arduous journeys during the winter. Phoenix Jackson, the protagonist of A Worn Path, is an elderly lady hardened by the trials of life as a black woman living in the Southern United States, prior to the Civil Rights Era. She is surprisingly limber, resilient, and healthy for her age and has
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hygiene and Young People Free Essays
‘Your health, safety and welfare are protected by law.’ Everyone working with children and young people must be aware of their legal obligation in relation to keep children safe and healthy. (Source: Health Safety Executive, 1999) Health and safety legislation at work Act 1974: Setting with five or more employees must have a written safety policy which must include specific procedure to cover emergencies such as accidents and events that require evacuation of the building (Fire event) Setting with five or more employees must carry out a risk assessment Employees must provide for health and safety Display a health and safety laws poster or supply employees with a booklet Make your work place as safe as possible Decide how to manage health and safety if the business has five or more employees COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002): The employers are required to ensure all dangerous materials, cleaning material, medicines are kept separately in a marked, locked cupboard. We will write a custom essay sample on Hygiene and Young People or any similar topic only for you Order Now RIDDOR (Reporting injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995): This means all setting must provide an accident report book. Any injury that requires a member of staff to take more than three days off work must also be reported. Food safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995: The setting which prepare or provide food for children must register with the Environmental Health Department of the local authority. The people who have handling food should undertake the Basic Food Hygiene Certificate. Food handling Regulations 1995 Washing hands before preparing food Making sure the surfaces and utensils you use are clean and hygiene Food is stored safety at the correct temperature Disposing of waste hygienically Use of chopping boards, separate sinks Policies and Procedure: Children and young people will always take a risk from running, playing but all children and young people have right to play to develop their skills and new experience. There are policies and procedure to protect and reduce risk that will happen to children and young people. Every child care setting will have policy documents which cover Safety Health and Hygiene Safety at arrival/departure times and on outings Prevention of illness and first aid Fire prevention Staffing ratios and supervision Risk Assessments Policy. A large number of everyday things that may appear harmless or go unnoticed but could be dangerous A range of areas from the condition of toys and equipment to hygiene and cleanliness to access to children by members of the public Must be suitable, sufficient and reasonably practical According to legislation, policy and procedure as showing above, in my setting (school placement) they are implemented by the school has a fire exit at the front door. There are several risk assessments for several areas in school. At the front door, there is a registered book for staffs and visitors to sign time in and out and purpose of visiting. After lunch time, food area has been clean and tidy up all tables and chairs to keep children safe. All toys have been kept in place and safe, study resource and materials are kept in cupboard. There are sinks in classrooms for washing hands. 2. Describe how health and safety is monitored and maintain in the setting. Health and safety is monitored and maintain in the setting by: Visitors register book, record time in/out, purpose and who they want to meet Teacher and all member of Staffs register book, teacher and all members record time in/out Pupils register book, checking pupils in class, morning and afternoon Lunch time staff, monitor pupils at food area Teacher/member of staff at the school gate, morning and after school Teacher/member of staff at the playground and play area every break times 3. Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. In the setting, teacher and all members of staff, volunteer must be made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged which is in school health and safety policy. The school role and Staff handbook are written by head teacher in the setting, staff handbook is held by teacher each class. Risks on internet in the setting is controlled by teacher, if pupils in class access on Facebook, YouTube and etc. websites that may be harm to pupils, teacher able to switch off computer immediately from teacher’s desk. To protect bullying, there is anti-bullying poster throughout school, poster show how to protect and prevent risks on internet includes the children help line number. Fire is the most frighten pupils and may harm their life, the setting made aware of this risk assessment, pupils can follow fire instruction poster which is throughout school when fire alarm appear. In this situation, teacher will lead pupils to fire exit door which is located at every classroom to school yard and line up at the meeting point. Pupils must be registered by their teacher at the meeting point. The meeting among Head teacher, member of staff and parents after school time will be made 2-3 times a year, the meeting will be discussed how to solve problem and sharing information between school and parents. 4. Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety within the setting. Head Teacher is in charge for accident events, Food Hygiene and Head Teacher’s secretary ensure a risk assessment has been following by staffs who work in the school. By the way all staffs who work in the school have been trained to keep children safe and reduce harm in the school. How to cite Hygiene and Young People, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
WeChat Users Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty
Introduction The introduction of the internet has greatly changed many aspects of people’s life, including the way individuals communicate and interact nowadays (Nimrod 2015).Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on WeChat Users’ Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such change has been instigated by the availability of numerous social media platforms through which people can communicate easily with one another, such as the Instant Messaging (Pun 2015). Instant messaging is a communication tool that allows users to enjoy instant transmission of text messages via the internet. Due to its effectiveness, the Instant Messaging tool has become popular among internet users. WeChat is an example of IM service that was introduced to the market in 2011 by the Tencent Holdings (Laaksonen, Jarimo Kulmata 2009). The WeChat service has become so common not only in China, but also in more than 200 other countries (Swan 2002). Most of the users of WeChat are the young generations since it offers a reliable platform through which they can share information on the go with many people. In addition, WeChat is increasingly used by marketers to communicate about a given product or services to their clients. According to a report released by Statistica, there is a growing popularity of WeChat in China nowadays. Even though there are numerous studies on Instant Messaging services in the West, very limited studies are available in the East, especially about its impact on consumers in China. Such limited studies are attributed to the fact that China has strict control of internet based services. For this reason, a study to examine the popularity of WeChat in China amidst such circumstances will be of high significance to both the industry and academic contexts. This study will seek to provide an overview of WeChat users’ motivation, satisfaction and loyalty with a s pecific focus on the case of China. Significance of the Study The advancement in technology has provided enough platforms through which people have improved the level of connectivity and interaction among one another (Mao 2014). The service has become very important in China as it enables effective computer-mediated communications among many users (Raacke Bonds-Raacke 2008). Liu, Chen and Wei (2015) attributed such a trend to the increased need for social media platforms among marketers since such platforms are able to reach a wide range of consumers.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The choice of this topic was informed by the fact that most other social media platforms in China, such as Facebook and Twitter, are blocked based on the China’s internet censorship policy (Lin Lu 2011). For this reason, there is a need for a study that would highlight the reasons beh ind increased use of WeChat among Chinese people (Ko, Cho Roberts 2005). The results from this study would be of interests to academics and marketers. Aims and Objectives of the study The study will have several aims and objectives to achieve. Aims To investigate WeChat users’ motivation, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as explore the relationship between motivation, satisfaction and loyalty. Analyzing the development trend of WeChat in the future and how it is likely to influence marketing of different products. Objectives To review the research topic from existing literature To investigate the role of users’ loyalty, motivation and satisfaction in the use of WeChat in China in order to understand reasons behind its popularity while most other social media platforms have been blocked in China. Hypothesis From the above aims and objectives, the study will be based on the following hypothesis. H1: Motivation has a positive impact on WeChat users’ level of satisfaction. H2: Motivation has a positive impact on WeChat users’ loyalty. H3: Satisfaction has a positive impact on WeChat users’ loyalty Literature Review Motivation Just like in the case of any other media platforms, users of WeChat ought to have a positive attitude and the desired motivation for them to continue with the use of the platform (Koermer McCroskey 2006). Often, many people are psychologically motivated to use social media. Previous research on the issue indicated that studies on social media mainly focus on the examination of what motivates the users to adopt a social media platform (Junfeng, Zhimei Changshou 2014).Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on WeChat Users’ Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In an effort to understand the psychological motivators of WeChat users, this study focuses on Uses and Gratification (UG) theory. It may be applied in various areas including both the traditional and the modern media of communication such as newspapers and the internet. The development of the UG theory was based on the psychological and social origins of needs (Luo 2002). It is one of the most influential theories in the media research. It takes into consideration the fact that users of social media are active when they know what exactly motivates them. It also explains that people have their main reasons for choosing a specific media such as to ensure the satisfaction of their psychological needs. The Uses and Gratification theory is useful when it comes to establishing the factors that explain different behaviors of customers. The gained attitude may be defined as the summative evaluation by an individual, which may be positive or negative, or the characteristic they know about WeChat. Attitudes develop over a period of time when they are learned and experienced (Reisinger 2003). They thus determine if the consumers w ill like or dislike the products or services. The strength of the attitudes however, differs from one individual to the other. From the perspective of the marketers, they can use communication to change the attitudes of customers which are otherwise hard to change (Yang Yoo 2004). Such communication may involve the use of advertisements or ensure the gratification of their psychological needs and expectations. The growth and development of information technology has led to globalization, which comes with high need to interact, stimulating the rapid growth in the use of internet (Zelizer 2011). It is such growth that has led to the replacement of the traditional methods of communication. Internet use has become common among many people due to the fact that it is entertaining, provides reliable information, and offers room for social interaction. Suh and Han (2003) indicated that the provision of information and entertainment are some of the factors that improve the motivation levels of customers.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Chang and Zhu (2011), factors such as the ability to meet new friends, provision of information, and conformity have similar impact of providing positive effects on both the users and the marketers. However, the motivation provided by entertainment has a considerable positive impact on the attitude of both pre-adopters and post-adopters (Gremler, Gwinner Brown 2001). Due to the differences of culture and social life, different countries have different attitudes towards the adoption of social media. In China, a study by Chang and Zhu (2011) indicated that social gratification of users is obtained when their psychological needs are met, helping them gain a positive attitude towards the social media. Loyalty Loyalty in any product or service can be measured by assessing the trust an individual has for the concerned product and/or service. The most adopted definition of trust is that it is exhibited when there is a high degree of confidence among different entities. Such c onfidence encourages the exchange of integrity and reliability among the partners. From the definition, gaining confidence, reliability, and integrity over one another is really significant to conceptualize trust and hence customer loyalty. Due to the gained trust, customers tend to support service providers who they trust. The trust and loyalty, in this case could be experienced from different perspective; intra-organizational and interpersonal. In the case of this study, the emphasis will be on establishing the possibility of intra-organizational type of trust. It also examines the degree of trust WeChat users have with their services. Trust is essential because it helps in reducing insecurity and cognitive risks, thus encouraging long-term relationships to grow between the users and the service providers (Mato Rossi 2008). The establishment of trust thus brings positive impacts with respect to the willingness of customers to use word of mouth communication, as well as their inte ntion to use social networking sites (Chu Choi 2011). Satisfaction Satisfaction is defined as the sense of fulfillment users of a particular product and/or service have. According to Suh and Han (2003) trust is one of the key determinants of the attitudes consumers have on social media. As a result of trust in a given service, users develop some degree of satisfaction. Correa, Hinsley and de Zuniga (2010) argued that satisfaction from the use of online forums has a positive impact on the attitude of the users. In a study conducted by Shin (2010) on privacy, trust, and satisfaction concerns consumers have on the use of social networking sites, it was evident that satisfaction significantly determines the duration an individual uses a particular social media platform. The level of user satisfaction also determines the rate at which users recommend a particular social media to family and friends. Often, word of mouth communication (WOM), though is informal can be used in such recommen dations (Maxham 2001).. Methodology and Research Design Introduction Research design refers to the systematic process through which a researcher is able to collect and analyze data in a logical manner for purposes of achieving the research aims and objectives (Mitchell Jolly 2010). There are various examples of study designs including explorative, experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive researches (Gratton Jones 2004). On the other hand, research methodology involves the processes and techniques that a researcher uses to collect and analyze data for a particular research problem (Kothari 2005). In the methodology chapter, the focus will be on the research methodologies, as well as the research design employed. As such, the chapter will present the methods of collecting and analyzing data, research design used, sampling techniques, sample frame and sample size, as well as the target population. Research Designs The research on WeChat user’s motivation, satisfaction an d loyalty will focus on what the service has achieved, and its significance among users. In addition, the study will rely on quantitative data. This will be supplemented by a survey to establish the opinion of different users of WeChat. As such, the research will employ the quantitative research design to collect data from different sources. Target Population In a study, the target population refers to the total number of people or units from which a study hopes to collect information (Denzin Lincoln 2008). The study on WeChat users’ motivation, satisfaction and loyalty targets students in The University of Hong Kong, China. Sampling Design A sample refers to a section of the target population (Denk 2010). Using appropriate sampling techniques ensures that a representative sample is used. A sampling design takes into consideration the sample size, sampling techniques and the sampling frame (Neumann 2007). This research will use random sampling technique to achieve a sample s ize of 300 users. Reliability and validity The reliability of the research will be achieved by using credible sources of data such as journals and books. Validity, on the other hand will be achieved by collecting related to same time period which ensured that the degree of external validity was achieved. Hence, the results obtained could be generalized. Data Collection and analysis Methods The research aims at analyzing the motivation, satisfaction and loyalty among WeChat users. Both primary and secondary sources of data will be used to provide the necessary information about WeChat. After the collecting data, different methods of data analysis will be used including Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and MS Excel. The SPSS analysis will be used to ascertain the possibility of any relationship between the variables under investigation and the MS Excel will be used to analyze the result. Ethical considerations The study will seek permission from the relevant authorit ies before carrying out the actual study. In addition, the results from the study will be kept anonymous. 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Zelizer, B 2011, ‘Journalism in the Service of Communication’, Journal of Communication, vol. 61, no. 1, pp.1-21. This proposal on WeChat Users’ Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty was written and submitted by user Spencer L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Cotton top Tamarin essays
Cotton top Tamarin essays One of the most endangered primates in the world, the cotton-top tamarin, Saguius Oedipus, is distinguished by its remarkable physical appearance. The animal belongs to the Callitrichidae family, the smallest and one of the most diverse of the New World monkeys (Savage, Natural 1). The tamarins unique appearance along with its dying habitat and biomedical possibilities led to the creatures endangerment. Physically, the cotton-top tamarin distinctly stands out among members of its family and the genus Saguinus. The animal is named for the striking crest of white hair running from its forehead to its neck, hanging over its shoulders, noticeable in contrast to the tamarins black face. The underside of the creatures arms and legs is white, while its back is black or brown. Tamarins posses claws rather than nails and have short tusked lower anterior dentition that allows them to suck sap out of trees (Savage, Natural 1). Being no more than 12 inches long and 7.26 cm tall, cottontop tamarins weigh less than a pound. Aside from physical appearance, location, behavior, diet, and reproduction help describe the tamarin and its ecosystem. The tamarin lives in only one location in the world, the rainforests of Columbia, South America. Like many other animals, cotton-top tamarins live in groups of 8 to 13 and spend their days traveling, looking for prey, and resting. The cotton-top tamarins diet consists of nectar, saps, fruits, vegetables, flowers, small animals, and insects (Savage, Natural 2). Its predators include Marten-like tayra, forest hawks, and humans. A tamarin normally lives between 13 and 14 years, and females can bear 2 offspring a year, usually twins. Despite the tamarins inherent value within its ecosystem, causes of its endangerment continue to thrive. The cotton-top tamarin's aesthetic benefits, unique susceptibility t...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Commonly Confused Word Pairs in English
Commonly Confused Word Pairs in English Here, from our Glossary of Commonly Confused Words, are 20 tricky word pairs that look and sound alike but have different meanings. (For examples and practice exercises, click on the highlighted words.) Advice and AdviseThe noun advice means guidance. The verb advise means to recommend or counsel.All Together and AltogetherThe phrase all together refers to people or things gathered in one place. The adverb altogether means entirely or wholly.Baited and BatedA hook, witness, or animal is baited (lured, enticed, tempted). Breath is bated (moderated).Cite and SiteThe verb cite means to mention or quote as an authority or example. The noun site means a particular place.Complement and ComplimentComplement means something that completes or brings to perfection. A compliment is an expression of praise.Discreet and DiscreteThe adjective discreet means tactful or prudent self-restraint. Discrete means distinct or separate.Eminent and ImminentThe adjective eminent means prominent or outstanding. Imminent means impending, about to occur.Flair and FlareThe noun flair means a talent or a distinctive quality or style. As a noun, flare means a fire or a blazing light. Similarly, the verb flare mea ns to burn with an unsteady flame or shine with a sudden light. Violence, troubles, tempers, and nostrils can flare. Formally and FormerlyThe adverb formally means in a formal way. The adverb formerly means at an earlier time.Hardy and HeartyThe adjective hardy (related to hard) means daring, courageous, and capable of surviving difficult conditions. The adjective hearty (related to heart) means showing warm and heartfelt affection or providing abundant nourishment.Ingenious and IngenuousThe adjective ingenious means extremely clevermarked by inventive skill and imagination. Ingenuous means straightforward, candid, without guile.Lightening and LightningThe noun lightening means making lighter in weight or changing to a lighter or brighter color. Lightning is the flash of light that accompanies thunder.Mantel and MantleThe noun mantel refers to a shelf above a fireplace. The noun mantle refers to a cloak or (usually figuratively) to royal robes of state as a symbol of authority or responsibility.Moot and MuteThe adjective moot refers to something that is debatable or of no practical importance. The adjective mute means unspoken or unable to speak. Prescribe and ProscribeThe verb prescribe means to establish, direct, or lay down as a rule. The verb proscribe means to ban, forbid, or condemn.Rational and RationaleThe adjective rational means having or exercising the ability to reason. The noun rationale refers to an explanation or basic reason.Shear and SheerThe verb shear means to cut or clip. Likewise, the noun shear refers to the act, process, or fact of cutting or clipping. The adjective sheer means fine, transparent, or complete. As an adverb, sheer means completely or altogether.Stationary and StationeryThe adjective stationary means remaining in one place. The noun stationery refers to writing materials. (Try associating the er in stationery with the er in letter and paper.)Track and TractAs a noun, track refers to a path, route, or course. The verb track means to travel, pursue, or follow. The noun tract refers to an expanse of land or water, a system of organs and tissues in the body, or a pamphlet containing a declarat ion or appeal. Whose and WhosWhose is the possessive form of who. Whos is the contraction of who is.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
We were soldiers - movie on leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
We were soldiers - movie on leadership - Essay Example Lt .Col Moore’s wife like her husband is also portrayed as a leader in the film. Julie Moore demonstrates to the viewers of her leadership capabilities when she decides to take the initiative of delivering telegrams to the families of soldiers. A good leader is one who is empathetic, respectful and understanding. Julie Moore gives a clear demonstration of these leadership skills. During the war, U.S soldiers died in the battle field (We Were Soldiers). The news of their death as depicted in the film was delivered through telegrams. In one of the scenes, cabs were hired to deliver the telegrams containing the sad news (We Were Soldiers). When she learns of this, she takes the initiative of having the telegrams delivered to her and she, in turn, delivers to each family. She is mindful of the family’s emotions and goes ahead to comfort them. Delivering the news personally shows that she takes care of people. Lt. Col.Moore is no doubt an entrepreneurial leader. He is entrepreneurial in the various ways. One of the ways is when he makes a speech in one of the scenes. In his speech, he was able to convince the soldiers to perceive their situation as he perceived it. He tells the soldiers that he cannot guarantee that they will not die, but he promises that they will all return home (We Were Soldiers). He also reminds the soldiers that they are at war to secure their families a better future. He instills hope in his soldiers. He sets the pace by telling them he will be there throughout the war.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Journal reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journal reflective - Essay Example Conceptually, these two aspects have brought a revolutionary paradigm in marketing that mainly focuses on having and taking care of the customers rather than merely attracting them. Notably, though, is the importance of these two elements in business today with respect to the customers and the progress of the organization in context. Delineating from their generality, value concept, and relationship marketing have several other constituents tied to them. Besides, myriad theories combine to link, separate and contextualize the value concept and relationship marketing to the prevailing business environment. Within the value concept, for instance, is the customer-perceived value, mathematically defined as the perceived benefits divided by the perceived sacrifice.3 The sacrifices, in this case, are the costs the customer has to incur during purchase such as purchase price and installation costs among others. To sum up about the value concept, it is very critical for any company aiming to launch competitive values to the clients to carefully analyze and understand the needs of the clients.4 It is the riskiest part of the value concept since the lack of such understanding may dilute customer loyalty. It may be a total waste of resources, and cause a ripple effect of not meeting the objectives of the company. In genera l, the value concept is directly proportional to relationship marketing.5 Arguably, reading this article is not only important to anyone aiming to start a business, but also to the established companies. Clearly, the impact of such reflection on professional learning and professional marketing skills cannot be overemphasized. As already asserted above, the reflection has a direct relationship with both professional learning and the real business environment. For one, it is through the reflection that a learner
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Narrator In Raymond Carvers The Cathedral
The Narrator In Raymond Carvers The Cathedral Fiction writers use various ways in telling their story. One of such ways includes the establishment of the position through which the storyteller is to convey the plot. Raymond Carvers Cathedral is a perfect example of a story from a first person narrator. A first person narrator lacks a complete hold and knowledge of other characters and often gives incomplete information and perceptions about them. In the story, the use of first person narrator gives the story in the perspective of I. The anonymous character in Cathedral is revealed as having misconstrues and limitations in the story (Stern 50) His flaws are evident in the manner in which he interacts with other characters in the story. Nevertheless, the author gives the narrator an opportunity to grow and prove his stereotypes wrong. Confusion and ignorance are a great impediment for ones true focus in life. A slight moment with the truth can be a turning point in a persons life; giving an opportunity to remedy past mistakes and misconceptions. The narrator is presented as having various inadequacies and flaws which prevent him from getting a clear view of the world. Perhaps, the narrators prejudice against blind people reveals more about his character. The narrator clearly shows his uneasiness with the blind man visiting, And his being blind bothered me. My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies the bind moved slowly and never laughed (Carver 186). Apparently, the narrator foolishly searches for any reason to dismiss the blind man. For instance, the narrator says, Id always thought dark glasses were a must for the blind. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.I remembered reading somewhere that the blind didnt smoke (Carver 190-191). The blind man is a friend of his wife and is paying the couple a visit. Evidently, the narrator is naÃÆ' ¯ve and ignorant about blind people. Through the reactions and actions of the narrator, we are able to infer some elements of his character flaws. For instance, it is undoubtedly true that the n arrator is overly insecure. As a man of the house, he is afraid that the feminine can take away his position. This is demonstrated symbolically through the use of the castle in the story (Bullock 343). The masculine castle of the narrator is demonstrated by the differentiation of whatever is inside and outside. As a male, the narrator must be able to not only prevent any form of external intrusion but also the threat of the feminine power he lives with. Surprisingly, the threat he faces is his own feminine nature. The narrator is devoid of self-awareness. His attitude towards Robert, the blind man and his wife depict a great deal of the narrators insensitivity. In fact, he betrays himself through his inarticulate manner of speech. A plethora of flaws can be drawn from the mannerisms shown by the narrator (Bugeja 80). The author applies the present situation of the narrator as well as the past experiences to paint a full picture about the life of the narrator. As a working person, there is nothing desirable about the narrators job. From the story, we gather information that the narrator is struggling with bad habits. In the past, the narrators wife is said to have attempted to commit suicide. She also has had a divorce and seemingly, her marriage to the narrator is definitely an unhappy one. Yet, the narrator does not seem to be there for her. The narrator is not only a drunkard but also a drug addict. He spends most of his time after work in his living room watching TV. Worse still, he does no t seem to have a flicker of enthusiasm about his marriage. In fact, he does not show signs of intimacy with anybody in his life. All these are signs of ignorance and insensitivity. The transformation of the narrator comes rather unexpectedly. From the beginning of the story, he can see Robert as a mere blind man. He resents him and dismisses him as useless and weak. In fact, the narrators stereotypical associations of the blind man are not different with that of a common person. However, a turning point comes in his life when he spends time with Robert. At first, the narrator feels rather awkward that his wife does not keep her guest comfortable. Robert, aware of the narrators weaknesses and his lonely life, endeavors to create a relationship with him. He takes advantage of the narrators TV viewing habits to dispel the stereotypes and misplaced perceptions of the narrator. Unknown to the narrator, Robert is possesses very string personality. Unlike the narrator, the blind man is self sufficient, confident, sensitive, perceptive, and self-assured as well as gregarious. Moreover, Robert is immensely knowledgeable; possessing a heightened capability and awareness. As it dawns on the narrator, disability is not inability. The narrator recognizes the humanity possessed by Robert in spite of his blindness. The growth of the narrator comes along with his revised perception and stereotypes about blind people. The use of the cathedral is significant in the story. It is used as an implied metaphor suggesting the isolation that the narrator faces as a masculine figure. The craving for the masculine narrator to maintain his power and ego seems as an imprisonment (Lacan 1280). After obtaining re-assurance from Robert, the narrator clearly changes his direction. The blind man does not meet the stereotypes possessed by the narrator about blind men. The moment he spends with Robert turns out to be his turning point. The TV program on cathedrals offers a chance for the narrator to come into self recognition, allying all previous fears about blindness. As the narrator draws the cathedral while his eyes are closed, he expresses the liberty he feels. He admits that I was in my house. I knew that. But I didnt feel like I was inside anything. This is certainly a transformation of the earlier masculinity held by the narrator. The symbolism in the use of cathedral is that when the narrator draws it, he i s designing a new masculinity different from that of the castle. The narrator escapes from his feeling of insecurity embracing a new dawn; a complete rebirth. The dependency of masculinity on others to achieve its full potential is depicted in the response given by Robert about cathedrals. Being blind, Robert describes a cathedral as he has just heard from the TV. According to the blind man, generations of the same families worked on a cathedralà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Men who their lifes work on themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. never lived to see the completion of their work (Carver 190). In this, it is evident that that just like Robert is a crucial catalyst towards the development of the narrator, men are similar to cathedrals and have to have these supports. To help hold them up, so to speak. These supports are called buttresses (Carver 191). Men need support like the cathedrals for them to reach the up. According to the narrator, men built cathedrals during the olden days for them to be closer to God. The metaphor presented through the use of a religious building shows a need for design directed towards religious dimension. Although the dimension is not presented through doctrines, we can decipher it from the church wedding for the blind man and his wife (Bullock 345). Ignorance can pose a great danger in the life a person; particularly in their daily interactions with other people. Failure to adopt open mindedness and a free focus towards life can render an individual into imaginary blindness. Physical blindness does not mean mental blindness; a physically blind person can show a normal person with clear vision the way. Stereotypes are the dwelling places for confusion and ignorance; favoring the perpetuation of misplaced imaginations and beliefs.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Technology Computer Science
This proves that the relation of technology wit h Humanity has countless and often unpredictable outcomes and effects on today's society. The smartened is a prime example of advancement of technology and its in attraction with humans. Cellular devices such as the smartened went from the classic buttons to the more common touchstones. And when people might have began thinking that that was the farthest a phone could be technologically advanced, they were proven wrong again! No w Humans only have the unique and quick option to instead type a text to communicate and array out actions, we now have the unique option to instead use voice guidance.Technology and Humanity: A Positive Side Technology has done nothing but good for the Human race since the beginning Eng of time! Positive effects technology has on society include Education, transportation, H should and Industry, Exchange Of Information, Advertising and Entertainment, Cellular C immunization and countless more. Technology influen ces many other aspects of our lives; d erectly and indirectly. Simply put, technology is almost a necessity in today's society. Where would we be as a people without technology? This question can only b e answered with disaster.Technology gives mankind a sense of direction and guidance an d without it, almost everything we take for granted today, would be a struggle without the gift that t is technology. Complications and problems that would exist without the presence of techno ago could include minimum communications, drastically slower Transportation, Limited Connect actions, Knowledge and even Education! For example, there are key pros of Technology with concerns to Education. Wi the Technology and Education hand in hand, technology further enhances people' s (student's) interests about School in general.For example, being engaged with their less ones by being occupying themselves with virtual field trips and video tutorials. With Technology and Humanity, there are endless positi ve possibilities that AR discovered and developed in everyday life. For example, www. Academia. Deed's article discusses numerous success between the two, â€Å"Technological advancements have show n a substantial growth concerned with each and every field whether it be the communication systems, astronomy, semiconductor devices,automobiles, electronic devices of daily u sage, belletristic vices, building and architectural design techniques or the computers†.The pros may seem endless, however there are cons as well. Advancement in Technology: A Darker Side Where there are upsides to a situation, there are downsides. With Technology , there are without a doubt cons when it comes to their relationship with Humanity. This â€Å"Darker Side†of technology includes major reliance on technology, the abuse of technology, a ND the time consuming effects Of technology. Technology is a wonderful things, and Humans love using it, whether they're c amputees, tablets, phones, and e ven television. However, this can become highly addict eve and cause Humans to be â€Å"too†actively engaged with technology.Due to this, we become so busy and distracts us from spending time with loved ones and even doing everyday cacti pities. Society has developed a major dependence and reliance on Technology. This can cause us to lack patience, and even a willingness to act before we think. For example e, we can become inpatient in slight situations, such as waiting for speedy responses to our Emma ills, texts, and calls. This major dependence on technology can negatively affect us in situations w ere we need patience and even do something ourselves without the use of technology.Weapon Engineering: Technology and Weapon's are one in the same. But many will ask the control reseal question, is it for a good or better worse cause? Believe it is for both. Weapons are useful; even a need in most situations. Womb. Academia. Due state â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon incorrigiblenes s and provides a huge advance. Rive Larry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the country sees compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This is a huge plus because weaponry is not only local, for example, a robbery or house invasion. It is worldwide!Etc homology advances weaponry everyday, and they are required in even the biggest of sit cautions such as War. Weapons, on the other hand obviously could be a negative thing. Vow. Aced aim. Due states â€Å"Nevertheless, weapon engineering propels and provides a huge advance CE. Rivalry between the countries may also be ascribed to technological advancements, as the coo entries compete for the development of new warfare techniques and equipments†. This quote high hilts the issue of he possibility Of full on world warfare, all due to the greediness and competition venues of countries too have the latest and strongest weapons.Quite honestly, its only a mat ter of time when they will be used; this should not be a possibility whatsoever. However, this is the problem that weapons/ technology pose on the world today. Artificial Intelligence: What is Artificial Intelligence? According to www. W. Merriment's. Com, is is†1 : an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like the eye have human intelligence 2: the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior†. Believe it or not, there are many reasons to like and dislike Artificial Intelligence.Albert Hubbard once said, â€Å"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary me n. No machine can do the work Of one extraordinary man†. This is true without a do but. Artificial Intelligence is used everyday to the benefit of mankind. With that being said, t here are numerous benefits of Artificial Intelligence. For example, accomplishing tasks without get ting tired. An example of this is getting a specific objective or task completed wi thout taking breaks such as a lunch or coffee break. In summary, Artificial Intelligence can get a job done al most instantly, compare to that of humans alone. The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that m en will begin to think like computers†is a quote stated by Sydney J. Harris. It is quite accurate. Despite the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, there are key disadvantages to it. What if the Artificial Intelligence were to break down? If you were performing a task, such as transfer erring money from one device to another, it could all be gone in an instant. Ironically, just as easy it is to complete a ask with Artificial Intelligence, it IS as easy for an entire task to turn into nothing Eng. Sadly, there are numerous other cons to Artificial Intelligence.There is also the e possibility of losing countless amounts of information. Http:// half-heartedness's. Org further explains, â€Å"In particular cases, because of the malfunction of s pecific parts, artic facial mind can fall short to keep its memory all the files which it must have. This thing can also o occur with humans. Once a person is liable of the keeping of information and collection of data an d fall short to do he job, it is somewhat that is accepted and frequently branded as your mists eke- On the other hand, with artificial mind it is not assumed and this really makes the entire did preference, in the end making it an issue.Artificial intelligence or computer system requires to be s witched off on a daily basis for work maintenance. This could be a restraint to output and office once as well as to the whole interests and benefits of the company in question†. Artificial Intelligent once is truly a Wild Card in its possible outcomes. Medical Technology: Medical Technology, according to NNW. Wisped. Com is â€Å"Medical Technology, which is a proper subset of health technology, encompasses a wide range of healthy are products and is used to diagno se, monitor or treat diseases or medical conditions affecting h unmans†.Medical Technology is a positive side of the relationship between technology and hum Anita. This deals with the improvement of human health, and this is key to society. People will continue to gets, hurt and injured. The field isn't going away anytime soon. Medicine is the Holy Grail of human health, and without it people would not s reeve. Medical Science is extremely beneficial, â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that h eave allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan. As stated by www. Academia. De u. Due to the advancement and development of Medical Technology/ Science, human life spans are expanding and people are living longer and happier lives because of it. Nuclear Technology: Nuclear Technology is a very debatable topic. Nuclear weapons, nuclear media cine, and nuclear power are among the m any applications Nuclear Power can be used f or. One of the most controversial being Nuclear Weapons. However, when determining an opinion on this topic, it should be determined from a standpoint of the people as a whole, rather that n individually.A positive aspect of Nuclear Technology includes Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear M educing diagnoses diseases, x rays can identify sensitive parts of the body when identity faying a disease, physicians can perform their operations easier and more responsibly due to Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Power is another positive for Nuclear Technology. Nuclear Power is c noninsured as another great source of energy, and it is a manageable source of regenerate energy. However, there are numerous downsides to Nuclear Technology. Although N clear Power can be positive, some negatives sometimes outweighs it.Nuclear Pope r produces radiation, which can lead to cancer in Humans and almost everything about N clear Power is expensive. Www. Half-heartedness's. Org s tates that â€Å"Research in the field of medicine has allowed for the development of many new treatments, drugs, medicines, and solutions that have allowed for the dramatic prolegomena of the human lifespan†. Lastly, there is the issue of Nuclear Weapons. When used, Nuclear Weapons are highly dangerous. The RI sky of human life when these weapons are used are great.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Politics Of The United States - 1315 Words
The US Presidency Having established a background into the British system of government we can now turn our attention to the United States of America. Located several thousand miles across the Atlantic, this global superpower has much in common with the United Kingdom, principally the values and institutions that render its political system democratic. That being said, the infrastructure of the system in place in the United States is vastly different from that of the UK. Trias Politica As a relatively new country less than a quarter of a millennium old, the USA operates with a codified constitution ratified in 1788. This document outlines a national framework of government. Key to this is the notion of a separation of powers, whereby the executive, judiciary and legislature are separate and independent of each other. The president of the United States is named in this document as the head of state and the head of government, namely, the federal executive. The powers and duties of this office are outlined, such as the president s authority as commander in chief and the right to grant pardons. As a result of this clarity, the evolution of the office of president has taken a different approach to that of prime minister. Like the UK, a strong body of discourse is present even in the face of a codified settlement. That being said, theorists outside the fields of constitutional law interpret the presidency in range of ways. Tulis and the Rhetorical Presidency Jeffery Tulis isShow MoreRelatedThe Politics Of The United States Politics1877 Words  | 8 Pagesso caught up in the lies that it is virtually impossible to escape. Truth is highly valued in society; so, what are the reactions when the leaders of society lie to their constituents? This is an issue that has recently manifested in the United States’ politics. With the election of President Donald Trump, the media have become increasingly interested in how truthful the members of the political system are. Many have started demanding transparency from those in positions of power. In contrast, someRead MoreThe Politics Of The United States1238 Words  | 5 PagesOur politicians are being bribed to influence what laws are being made in this country at a federal level. Due to the current situation in American politics corruption has become an accepted form of conducting business in the political world. â€Å"Since the implication of citizen’s united in 2010 we have se en a dramatic turn in the direction of politics†(Silver). This is because now, any donor is allowed to contribute undisclosed amounts to any political campaign. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Leadership Analysis Assignment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1342 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Leadership Analysis To define a leader, as previously read, one has to presume that an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s character is conducive to the environment for which he/she leads. However, that is not always the case. Sure, it is true that character, value, beliefs, skills, attributes and multi-faceted cultures are what dictates the outcome of a leader, but it does not necessarily mean that the individual will do well in all environments. Yet, we can assess from our studies (Hughes, et.al, 2012), that a leader who doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t do well in one culture, may do well in another. All organizations possess different types of cultures (Bennis, 1999). These cultures consist of laborers, executives, etc. Yet, a laborer culture in an automotive industry may share similar commonalities with labor cultures of a different industry, and even though they are labeled with the same culture identification, will not encounter the same issues. Nevertheless, there will be similarities, but they will be experienced within a different set of circumstances. Though Bennis (1999) gave a significant amount of insight on culture and its influence on leaders, I still believe that it would be best to expand and redefine organizational cultures a bit further than the three cultures with subcultures. Great leaders are made, says Vince Lombardi (n.d.) (as cited, Hughes, et.al, 2012), and we have heard this throughout history. As true as this is, leaders do not start out in their life that way. Each individual has been shaped by their own set of personal circumstances, situations, life beliefs, etc. Even more so, you can take 2 individuals, who shared the same set of parents, home, friends, community, values, schools, etc., and they will relate a different experience on what life was like growing up. Some will say that life was hard; another would say that it was the best ever. Therefore, this illustrates that all leaders, being humans, are shaped by s uch and possess predispositions to certain behavior. In addition, I ascertained how extremely important it is to understand that a leader will evolve into a different type of leader; this is dependent upon what the leader deems to be the utmost important factors of the position (Toegel, G., Barsoux, J., 2012). If a leader is segregated from the people and numbers take precedence, then it is possible that this manager would likely see a definite change in their point of view (Bennis, 1999). Throughout my years and my careers, I have witnessed several different types of leader personalities and traits. Ideally, I can conclude that my preferred type of manager/leader would possess the style of a country club leader that was mixed with a team leader. I view myself as a combination of both of these styles (Hughes, et.al, 2012). However, I have seen managers that completely base their authority in management on fear and intimidation. Threats and fear lie at the very core of this appro ach. I have referenced to this style of management as the dinosaur style of leadership that once dominated leadership many years ago like the dinosaurs, may it fade away, as well. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s not uncommon to see leaders early on, take on roles that reflect their personality. I have decided that it is common for a leader to be discovered, usually, early on in their lives. Whether as a student, or a newcomer, usually are seen in roles that are conducive to their predisposition (Karkoulian, et. al, 2009). Self-discovery is the key. Personally, I never knew the power that existed within me until a relative told me repeatedly that I could sell shoes to a snake. I was in my early 20à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t quite know if this was meant as a compliment or insult. Then, some years later, I realized that whenever I felt passionate, highly regarded something, or had solid views on a matter, I was able to convey that message accordingly. This proved beyond m easure that leadership is composed of passion, power, beliefs, views, communication skills, predisposition, etc. Though the list is very extensive, we have to analyze education and its effects on leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s roles. Education has been shown to be an effective means to success for all individuals. It is show or display of commitment for the future. However, this does not settle itself just in the form of formal education, but in school of life as well. Life skills consist of learning to do for oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own self and to hold oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own, so to speak. Learning occurs from birth and should continue until one is no longer able to do so. Leaders must apply their skills, proficiencies to their positions not only to complete the task at hand, but rather, to gain the trust and credibility of the co-workers. When this is established, there is a form of respect amongst the team. Unfortunately, when this is not the case, it is more than likely that th e leader/manager will not like their job position, potentially suffer at the hands of irrespective employees and ultimately, lose their position. Additional reflection needs to be incorporated into professional lives, including the follower and leaders respective positions. Reflection is something that needs to be performed ritualistically in order to engage in continual improvement. This involves looking at day-to-day business, and realizing what could have been done better; more efficiently and effectively (Hughes, et.al, 2012). In order to apply this across board can be challenging, due to the complexity of the nature of leading within an organization. As I always say, wherever there are people, there are going to be challenges and mistakes. This, in my opinion is not a negative statement but rather an acceptance on what needs to occur in order to keep the ship flowing smoothly. Other areas of reflection should be of the leaders self. Self reflection takes a close look at o neà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own goals, unwanted behaviors and patterns and gives/receives feedback. I find that feedback from co-workers, mentors, and managers, is the best way to see yourself from a different perspective. At times, I have witnessed specific dysfunctional behaviors, along with their detrimental effects to a leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s authority and how it negates the respect sought. So, whenever possible, it is best to listen to feedback from co-workers, colleagues, etc., and see if their comments align with one another. Then, it is time to learn ways to disengage or cease the behavior. At this point, we can see that it takes a lot of time, energy, focus, commitment to earn the status of a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“great leader.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Though, not easy, it is a great accomplishment. It takes an ethical leader to truly value the followers and co-workers. If this is not made a part of the leaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s life, then where is the true success? It is very important to never lose sight of the value and importance of those whom one leads. For it is in the followers, that make a successful leader and vice versa. References Barrow, J. C. (1977). The Variables of Leadership: A Review and Conceptual Framework.Academy Of Management Review,2(2), 231. doi:10.5465/AMR.1977.4409046 Bennis, W. (1999). The end of leadership: exemplary leadership is impossible without full inclusion, initiatives, and cooperation of followers. Organizational Dynamics, 28(1), 71- 79. Harland, L. K. (2003). Using Personality Tests in Leadership Development: Test Format Effects and the Mitigating Impact of Explanations and Feedback.Human Resource Development Quarterly,14(3), 285. Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., Curphy, G. (2012). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kalshoven, K., Den Hartog, D., De Hoogh, A. (2011). Ethical Leader Behavior and Big Five Factors of Personality.Journal Of Business Ethics,100(2), 349-366. Kark oulian, S., Messarra, L., Sidani, M. (2009). Correlates of the bases of power and the big five personality traits: an empirical investigation.Journal Of Organizational Culture, Communications And Conflict, (2), 71. Levine, M., Boaks, J. (2014). What Does Ethics Have to do with Leadership?.Journal Of Business Ethics,124(2), 225-242. Powell, C. (2005, November 6). Never Show Fear or Anger. Retrieved October 9, 2014. https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/colin-powell-never-show-fear-or-anger Toegel, G., Barsoux, J. (2012). How to become a better leader.MIT Sloan Management Review, (3), 51. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Leadership Analysis Assignment" essay for you Create order
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