Monday, December 23, 2019
Case Study Tending Service ( Ahs ) Essay - 1592 Words
CASE STUDY-1 Introduction ASDITH tending SERVICE (AHS) is a community hospital in san Francisco (USA) with a large variety of employees i.e. 1300 member. Its two hundred beds. It’s a good vary of data system that ar either reaching the top of their helpful life or springing up for contract renewal. It operates below the health trust board WHO ar member of local people of the services offered by AHS The company was established in 1995 and one among the primary of its kind in urban centre. These days there s a proliferation of tending supplier unfold to the outskirts of the los Angelo’s. Last estimate, there have been 225 tending supplier, basically giving constant services as AHS. Hierarchy level of strategy Corporate Level This is initial level within the hierarchy level of ways embraces which incorporates which has the general scope of the organisational structure and additionally include however the various sorts worth value-added in numerous elements of the operate. In AHS, it embody the wide selection of data system that embody the reaching unwell the top and renewal of contract. below this level it additionally embody the employees from local people like doctor, lawyer, educator, etc. Business Level Under this level the organisation ought to have winning specifically selling. below this the most aim here is to extend the worth the worth of the business for the neutral by increasing whole awareness and value perceived by the client. In AHS, the corporate wasShow MoreRelatedProduct Planning Distribution and Management (a Case Study of the Nigeria Bottling Company’s Plc, Enugu.10877 Words  | 44 PagesA Paper PRODUCT PLANNING DISTRIBUTION AND MANAGEMENT (A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY’S PLC, ENUGU. ABSTRACT Product planning distribution and management are very vital in the production and distribution of very manufacturing organization. Before ever a manufacturing company should come out with a good quality product, it must undergo many processes, from planning for either short range or long, fore casting doing market research and consumer survey, protesting the productRead MoreChallenges and Strategies of Matrix7784 Words  | 32 Pages geography by product matrix). More complex matrix structures could encompass three or more dimensions. For example, a company could be structured not only to focus on product and function, but also to deal with geographic differences. In this study, we focus on organizations that operated in a two-dimensional matrix structure. The matrix boasts many traits that are necessary in managing global organizations (Bartlett Ghoshal, 1998; Galbraith, 1994; Kramer, 1994). Exhibit 2 highlights theRead MoreSOCIO ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF MOBILE PHONE IN BANGLADESH: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY11162 Words  | 45 Pagesï » ¿ A Seminar Paper on Socio economic Impacts of Mobile Phone in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study Seminar Paper On SOCIO ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF MOBILE PHONE IN BANGLADESH: An Exploratory Study Course Title : Seminar and Viva voce Course Code : BAN 200 Submitted To: Md. Zillur Rahman Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet Submitted By: Syeda Fatima Banu Reg. No. 2009731007 MohammadRead MoreProblems on Cost Accounting70221 Words  | 281 PagesStudy Material INTEGRATED PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE COURSE Cost Accounting and Financial Management Part 1 : Cost Accounting Vol. I The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Set up by an Act of Parliament) New Delhi PAPER 3 COST ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Part – 1 : Cost Accounting VOLUME – I BOARD OF STUDIES THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA This study material has been prepared by the faculty of the Board of Studies. The objective of theRead MoreInternship Report on Milkvita14316 Words  | 58 Pagesprospects are believed to be attaining anticipated goals and investment on non-orthodox and challenging fields are not being unfolded. In this context, since Bangladesh can not afford to go for heavy industrial invest for obvious economic reason, studies for non-traditional and agro-based areas are needed to be focused to cater the need of the time. Academicians, professionals and practitioners evaluate, interpret of predict the goals of objectives of a business organization in terms of profitabilityRead MoreSpeech to Persuade for Travel9677 Words  | 39 Pagescourse, assumes that people don’t sit at home and crank their own AC. It could actually be having a net-negative overall effect on energy and pollution. 4. acorvid says: July 28th, 2009 at 2:38 pm Wouldn’t this also help economies by tending to boost spending in recreation and hospitality industries: another day to play, a longer weekend resulting more destination travel, etc.? 5. charlequin says: July 28th, 2009 at 2:40 pm Or you could have a shorter work week by cutting
Sunday, December 15, 2019
In Diesel Engines The Phenomenon Engineering Essay Free Essays
Abstract. In Diesel engines, the phenomenon of NOX formation is extremely dependent on the temperature inside the burning chamber. NOX formation is encouraged when the temperature inside the burning chamber additions 2000 K. We will write a custom essay sample on In Diesel Engines The Phenomenon Engineering Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, there is a demand to maintain the peak temperature inside the burning chamber under control in order to cut down NOX formation and emanation. A simple method to cut down the NOX emanations in Diesel engines is late injection of fuel. Although it reduces the NOX formation but in bend increases the fuel ingestion by 10 – 15 % . A more sophisticated technique would be exhaust gas recirculation ( EGR ) . When some of the fumes gas is taken, assorted with the fresh charge and into the consumption, the O concentration decreases which suppresses and greatly reduces the NOX formation. It is non every bit simple as it sounds because cut downing the O concentration would intend that less O is available for burning which would take to uncomplete burning and hence particulate formation. Therefore, a tradeoff between the NOX decrease and particulate formation has to be made. The particulate formation is non much of a job as the sum of the unburnt atoms in EGR can be controlled utilizing a particulate trap, which in bend would cut down particulate emanation every bit good. Introduction Diesel engines are well-known for the low fuel ingestion and really low CO emanations, but unluckily the NOX emanations are comparatively high. Over the past few old ages, rigorous emanation criterions have been developed and imposed on NOX, fume and particulate emanations emitted from the automotive Diesel engines around the Earth, sing the inauspicious effects of the pollution caused by these emanations. In order to run into the environmental statute laws, it is of import to cut down the NOX exhaust emanations as high NOX emanations still remain a major job in the pollution facet. Some of the basic steps for decrease in vehicular emanations include direct injection, turbo-charging, inter-cooling, burning optimisation both with and without swirl support, multi-valve cylinder caput, advanced force per unit area ignition system, electronic control direction system, lube oil ingestion control etc. Regardless of the advanced engineerings like those mentioned above, engineerings like fumes gas recirculation ( EGR ) , soot traps and exhaust gas after-treatment are of huge importance excessively, to provide for the progressively tough challenges posed by the environmental emanation criterions. Mechanism of NOX formation The major hinderance encountered in understanding the formation and commanding owes to the fact that burning is extremely heterogenous and transient in Diesel engines. NO and NO2 together are regarded as NOX but there are typical differences between the two pollutants. NO is a colorless and odorless gas, while NO2 is a ruddy brown gas with acrid olfactory property. Both the gases are considered toxic, but NO2 has a high degree of toxicity, which is 5 times greater than that of NO. Attention to command of formation of NO has been given, before and after burning and therefore the sum of NO2 can be controlled excessively, as it is mostly formed by oxidization of NO ( Levendis et al 1994 ) . NO is formed during the station fire burning procedure in a high temperature part. The formation mechanism was suggested by Zeldovich ( Heywood 1998 ) . The chief beginning was the oxidization of the N nowadays in the atmospheric air. The reactions regulating the formation of NO from molecular N are ; N2 + O NO + N N + O2 NO + O N + OH NO + H The chemical equilibrium shown indicates that for burned gases at typical fire temperatures, NO2/NO ratios should be negligibly little. Experimental information shows that this holds true for spark ignition engines, whereas in Diesels, NO2 can be 10 to 30 % of the entire exhaust emanations of oxides of N. The NO formed can be converted rapidly to NO2 as a consequence of few reactions such as ; NO + HO2 NO2 + OH Similarly, transition of this NO2 to NO occurs ; NO2 + O NO + O2 Unless the NO2 formed in the fire is quenched by blending with the ice chest fluid. This account is supported by the highest NO2/NO ratios which occur at high burden in Diesels, when ice chest parts could slake the transition back to NO are widespread ( Wood 1988 ) . The atomic O concentration depends on molecular O concentration every bit good as local temperatures. Formation of NOX is about absent at temperatures below 2000 K. Hence, any technique which may be able to maintain the burning chamber temperature below 2000 K will be able to cut down NOX formation. EGR technique for NOX decrease EGR is an effectual manner to cut down the NOX formation. Exhaust gases consist chiefly of CO2, N2 and H2O bluess. The EGR is normally defined as ; Or The most widely recognized accounts as to how EGR reduces the NOX formation are increased ignition hold, increased heat capacity and dilution of the intake charge with inert gases. The increased ignition hypothesis holds true as when the EGR causes ignition hold, it has the same consequence as late injection. The heat capacity hypothesis provinces that add-on of the inert fumes gases into the intake charge increases the overall heat capacity of the mixture which consequences in lower temperature rise for the same heat release. As for the 3rd theory of dilution, the EGR reduces NOX formation by increasing the sum of inert gases in mixture, therefore cut downing the O concentration, finally ensuing in decrease in adiabatic fire temperature ( Pierpont et al 1995 ) . Deterioration in burning takes topographic point at high tonss so it gets hard to utilize EGR as this may overly increase fume and particulate emanations. At low tonss, the unburnt hydrocarbons would likely re-burn when EGR is employed, therefore increasing the brake thermic efficiency and cut down the sum of unburnt fuel in fumes. As mentioned earlier, utilizing the right sum of EGR is a via media between decrease in NOX and an addition in carbon black, CO and unburnt hydrocarbons. For EGR values of above 50 % , usage of particulate trap is recommended due to important addition in particulates formation. The EGR is known for decrease in O concentration and this changes the construction of the fire and the continuance of burning, which are the most of import factors act uponing NO formation. The figure below shows the decrease in NOX emanation due to EGR at different tonss. Figure 1. Consequence of EGR on NOX 2.1 Problems faced while utilizing EGR When utilizing EGR in Diesel engines, certain jobs are faced, like ( a ) increased soot emanations, ( B ) debut of particulate affair into the engine cylinders. It is rather obvious that when the high speed carbon black particulates are encountered by the engine constituents, the consequence would be scratch. Sulphuric acid and condensed H2O in EGR besides cause corrosion. Harmonizing to some surveies, cylinder walls have been damaged due to lubricating oil ‘s decreased capacity, which is due to blending of carbon black atoms carried by re-circulated fumes gas. This necessitates the usage of efficient particulate trap which is effectual in cut downing fume, unburnt hydrocarbons and NOX emanations at the same time. The particulate trap requires periodic replacing when the pores get blocked due to choke offing of carbon black atoms which would increase backpressure to the engine fumes, and therefore impacting engine public presentation. Other methods for decrease in particulate emanations include multiple injections, boosting and high fuel injection force per unit areas. Categorization of EGR systems Assorted EGR systems have been classified on the footing of EGR temperature, constellation and force per unit area. 3.1 Classification based on temperature Hot EGR: Exhaust gas is re-circulated without being cooled which increases the intake charge temperature. Fully cooled EGR: The fumes gas is to the full cooled utilizing a water-cooled heat money changer before it is assorted with the intake charge. This may ensue in condensation of wet in the fumes gas, ensuing in H2O droplets which would do unwanted effects inside the engine cylinder. Partially Cooled EGR: In this method, the fumes is non wholly cooled to avoid the H2O droplets formation and therefore the temperature is kept merely above dew point temperature. 3.2 Classification based on constellation Long Route system ( LR ) : In an LR system the force per unit area bead across the air consumption and the stagnancy force per unit area in the exhaust way make the EGR possible. The fumes gas speed creates a little stagnancy force per unit area, which when combined with the low force per unit area after the consumption air, gives rise to a force per unit area difference to carry through EGR across the torque/speed scope of the engine. Short Route system ( SR ) : SR differs from LR in the method used to put up a positive force per unit area difference across the EGR circuit. The usage of variable nozzle turbine ( VNT ) is another manner of commanding the EGR rates. Most of the VNT systems have individual entryway, which reduces the efficiency of the system by exhaust pulse separation. 3.3 Classification based on force per unit area Two different paths, low-pressure and hard-hitting path systems may be used for EGR. Low force per unit area path system: The transition for EGR is provided from downstream of the turbine to the upstream side of the compressor. Using this method, EGR is possible up to a high burden part, with an obvious decrease in NOX. High compressor mercantile establishment temperature and intercooler clogging do act upon the lastingness. High force per unit area path system: The EGR is passed from upstream of the turbine to downstream of the compressor. In this method, despite possibility of EGR at high burden parts, the extra air ratio lessenings and the fuel ingestion increases drastically. How to cite In Diesel Engines The Phenomenon Engineering Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. Answer: Introduction: Speech Pathologists are expected to professionally engage in various platforms with their clients, employers, as well as their clients significant others. These workers are expected to be competent in their jobs to provide the best results. There are certain standards that these workers are supposed to uphold (Ho, Whitehill, Ciocca, 2014). For entry levels, speech pathologists are expected to show that they are competent in all the units relating to pediatric as well as adult speech pathology of the competency based occupational standards (CBOS). These areas consist of the language, the voice used, swallowing, speech, fluency and multi modal communication. Students in this field, therefore, need to be competent before they can start practicing the profession. In Australia, a tool that is used to gauge how students are performing in their placements is the Competency Assessment in Speech Therapy (COMPASS). This tool has four units that collectively determine how well a student is performing (Bowen, 2014). These include; professionalism, lifelong learning, communication as well as reasoning. Reasoning refers to the assessment of a given situation in a manner that is both sensible and logical. In the past, reasoning has applied in my life in a myriad of ways. One such instance was when I had to choose a course to pursue. The choices included pathology, teaching, and engineering. I have always felt that I have a passion for speech pathology which could be attributed to the fact that my elder brother used to stammer earlier on in his life and I wished I could help him. However, I was good at physics. Teaching, however, did not appeal to me in any way. Therefore, after thinking critically about what each decision would mean, I decided to follow my passion and become a speech pathologist Communication refers to the process of passing and receiving information to convey a given message. Communication is very vital because it is the tool that people use to fulfill their various needs be they vocational, educational, social, or emotional (Mcallister et al., 2009). Communication could be oral or written. It can also be verbal or non-verbal, and it takes into consideration the voice used to communicate as well as the fluency in communication. A situation where communication applied in my life, was when I needed to inform my parents about the course I had chosen to pursue. In so doing, I effectively explained that I am passionate about speech pathology and I believe that I will do an excellent job in practicing it. Lifelong learning refers to the continued search for information and reading it to better ones understanding of a particular or different types of information (Australia, 2011). I have applied lifelong learning in my daily life. I have a keen interest in matters relating to investment strategies. I continuously study the concept to know what is happening in the markets and other investment related areas and apply it. This leads to better performance for my portfolio that keeps on improving over time. Professionalism is the act of practicing in a given line of work, by someone who has received training in that field for a given amount of time and has, therefore, gained the formal qualification to work (Mcallister, 2005). I have applied professionalism in speech pathology. For instance, whenever we are required to demonstrate how to work in this profession, I follow the expected policies. These policies are regarding dress, language, behavior that follows the code of ethics, and conventional procedures (Kenny, Lincoln, Balandin, 2007). Occupational competencies are made up of seven units with different activities (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2007). These include; lifelong learning and reflective practice, professional and supervisory activities, management and planning, implementation, gathering evidence relating to speech pathology, analysis and interpretation, and assessment of the problem. These units further have elements that explain them in more detail. The elements on the other hand are further defined in criteria that assess performance which aid the assessors to conclude how students are performing. For this study, lets consider the elements within unit three and unit one. Unit three involves the planning of evidence based on speech pathology practices. It means taking in evidence and planning for the speech pathology activity based on the collected information. Element 3.3 in this unit seeks to discuss the outcomes that may be long term with an individual client or with others who have a relationship with the client in a bid to decide if strategies relating to speech pathology are needed or suitable. Element 3.3 is a goal that I would like to develop during my clinical placement. This is because it is vital to identify whether an individual strategy of speech therapy is suitable for the client before carrying it out. By so doing, the activity will bring in the expected results. Otherwise, the effects may be detrimental to the clients speech or swallowing and instead of bringing progress, the action may be retrogressive. By having the clients significant others bring in input concerning the client and themselves, this ensures that the speech pathologist can make an informed decision (Ferguson, Duffield, Worrall, 2010). Therefore, one of my first goals would be to carry out a background check on clients by sourcing for information from the people that surround them. With this in mind, I would progress to analyze and find out the best strategies to proceed with in the speech pathology exercise and hence avoid mistakes. Unit one, on the other hand, involves assessment. The first element of unit one, element 1.1, requires the investigation as well as documentation of the clients issues. These problems could have to do with swallowing or communication in which case the primary concerns the client are explored in a bid to address and correct them. The goal achieved in addressing this element is that with the proper assessment of the clients concern, as a speech pathologist, I can know what exactly am dealing with and it is, therefore, effortless to begin the speech pathology process. This is, therefore, the very first step when practicing as a speech pathologist. It is therefore evident that all the units in occupational competence are vital when dealing with clients who have various concerns. The elements in these units are crucial as well and should be well executed to achieve the best results. Speech pathologists should, therefore, take advantage of both the units and their elements when assisting clients. References American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2007). Scope of the practice in speech-language pathology. Australia, T. S. P. A. of. (2011). Competency-oriented Occupational Standards for Speech Pathologists: initial Level. Bowen, C. (2014). Policy and Practice. Webwords 49, 11.8 Ferguson, A., Duffield, G., Worrall, L. (2010). Legal decision-making by people who have aphasia: important incidents for speech pathologists. International Journal of Language Communication Disorders, 28(12), 102116. Ho, D. W. L., Whitehill, T. L., Ciocca, V. (2014). Performance of speech-language pathology students in issue-based learning tutorials and in clinical practice. Clinical Linguistics Phonetics, 45(2), 244258. Kenny, B., Lincoln, M., Balandin, S. (2007). Designing proper evaluataion of students competency in the workplace, 232. Mcallister, S. (2005). Competency Based Evaluation of Speech Pathology Students Performance in the Workplace. Published Thesis, The University of Sydney, (June). Mcallister, S., Lincoln, M., Ferguson, A., Mcallister, L., Mcallister, S., Lincoln, M., Mcallister, L. (2009). A dynamic model of ethical thinking in speech pathology. J Med Ethics, 28(7), 905908.
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