Saturday, November 30, 2019
Krishna Eating House free essay sample
This chapter shows us how this anguished family is trying to find innumerable solutions to move a step forward and get out of the poverty and the hunger that surrounds them Chapter 3: Unwillingly and reluctantly, Lila found her mother has got high fever. The younger girls ran to the house next door to ask their neighbour Hira-bhai if she could help their mother but instead she sent them the magic man to help on getting the evil spirits away. Chapter 4: As action was needed in this family and that no one else in it fit to act, Hari was the one who should take this action. Biju was a rich man living in Thul and had many accessories in his house. Some people called him smuggler. He was making a large boat which had deep freeze and a powerful engine. Chapter 5 and 6: Hari didn’t know that Biju’s boat was ready to be launched as he was away with the men of the village who had gone to Bombay to make an agreement about not having to lose their land and to stop building these factories which will be useless to the villagers because they won’t take a chance to have jobs there. We will write a custom essay sample on Krishna Eating House or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At Thul, Biju’s boat was waiting for the tide to come up and launch the boat. Chapter 7: Hari reached Bombay . He wondered around the black horse for several hours. He got very hungry and thirsty. Later he went to see Sahib. Sahib was the people who came from Bombay and Hari had served that family when they came for a holiday to Thul. The family wasn’t there. A man called Hira Lal helped Hari around Bombay. Chapter 8: In this chapter Hari asks Jagu to work in the Shree Krishna Eating House. He also posts a letter to Thul so that Lila is not worried about him. Chapter 9: For Hari, the work wasn’t easy in that firelit kitchen of the Sri Krishna Eating House that seemed to grow hotter and hotter and never to cool down even at night. Jagu kept his promise of paying Hari a rupee a day which came to seven rupees a week, good wages for a young by new to the work and Hari was grateful for it. Chapter 10: The monsoon is coming; the first and most important sentence in this chapter. As the kindest and most helpful man, Mr. Panwallah, a watch mender, who owns a shop besides the Shree Krishna eating house asked Jagu for a day off for Hari to take him to a promenade and bought him a coconut, the boy felt as if he’s a child once again. Chapter 11: Passing by tough and hard days in Bombay and coming back to Thul, Hari wanted really badly to go back to his village where his family stayed. Mr. Panwallah kept telling him that the ferry doesn’t travel to Rewas in the rainy season and that he should wait till the rains are over. Hari learnt watch mending from Mr. Panwallah decided to open a shop in Thul. Chapter 12: Happily, Hari came back to Thul by bus not by ferry. Jagu and Mr. Panwallah having bought him a ticket jointly for the bus. Mr. Panwallah had said goodbye to him at the shop door; quietly slipping him another ten rupee note as a farewell present. The last chapter: It was the Diwali morning; Hari After bringing her from the hospital, they reached their home. Lila prepared different type of sweets. Hari noticed that his father stopped drinking toddy. Her mother also was now able to stand on her own. CONCLUSION The village by the sea appears to be a sad story in the beginning but gradually the condition of Hari’s family improves and it becomes a happy family in the end.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Pay for the Cost of a Fraternity or Sorority
How to Pay for the Cost of a Fraternity or Sorority Lets just be honest: Joining a fraternity or sorority can be expensive. Even if you dont live in the house, you likely have to pay dues, for social outings, and for all kinds of other things you werent expecting. So how can you manage to pay for the cost of going Greek if money is already tight? Fortunately, most fraternities and sororities understand that not every student can pay the full cost every semester. There are lots of places to look if you need a little extra financial help. Scholarships If your Greek is part of a larger regional, national, or even international organization, it may very well have scholarships available. Talk to some of the leaders in your campus chapter to see what they know or whom you should contact for more information on scholarships. Grants There may also be grants available, coming either from your larger organization or from organizations that simply want to support students who are involved in Greek life in general. Dont be afraid to do some searching online, check in with your campus financial aid office, and even ask other students if they know of good resources. Get a Job With the Organization on Campus If youre lucky, you can work within your fraternity or sorority and get an actual paycheck or things paid for indirectly (e.g., your room and board covered). Start asking around as soon as you realize you might be interested in this kind of arrangement; youll likely need to apply for positions in the spring if youd like to start working in them in the fall. Get a Job With the Larger Organization If your fraternity or sorority is very large on a regional or national scale, they likely need help keeping things running smoothly. Ask if there are positions that you can apply for- and work in- from your campus. The larger organization might need ambassadors, people who can write newsletters, or folks who are great at accounting. You never know what you might find open, so start asking around as soon as possible. Barter See if you can trade your skills for financial arrangements. Perhaps you have some mad skills at gardening. See if you can trade your labor in building, growing, and maintaining an organic garden for your sorority or fraternity in exchange for having your annual dues waived. Or if youre skilled in fixing computers, ask if you can work a few hours a week keeping everyones machines happy in exchange for a discount on your room and board costs. You got into college because youre smart and resourceful, so dont be shy about using those skills to help you create a financial arrangement that works for you and your desire to remain involved in your fraternity or sorority.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Anatomy of Taste Buds
Anatomy of Taste Buds The oral cavity and its anatomy play a key role in understanding taste and its biological function in the human body. The oral cavity consists of your lips, cheeks, teeth, tongue and throat. The taste buds are the chemoreceptors that detect and relay taste stimuli. In order for the taste buds to detect the taste of food or drink, the molecule must be suspended in an aqueous solution, otherwise known as saliva. Most taste buds are found within specialized projections on the tongue called papillae (Seeley, Stephens, they do not house taste buds but they do provide the rough surface on the tongue that allows for easier manipulation of food (Seeley, Stephens, â€Å"Eight to 12 of these papillae form a V-shaped row along the border between the anterior and posterior parts of the tongue†(Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). Each person has roughly 10,000 taste buds on their tongue, and each taste bud contains three distinct types of specialized epithelial cells within them. â€Å"T he sensory cells of each taste bud consist of about 50 taste, or gustatory cells. The remaining two cell types, which are nonsensory cells, are basal cells and supporting cells†(Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). Each taste cell has gustatory hairs, which are specialized microvilli, that help direct the tastants, or substances dissolved in saliva, into the taste, or gustatory, pore (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). Several secondary sensory neurons connect to each taste bud and release neurotransmitters when stimulated. Sensory information from the oral cavity can travel to the brain in three different ways. The tongue itself is broken down into thirds. Sensory information from the anterior, or front, two-thirds of the tongue is transmitted to the brain via a branch of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) called the chorda tympani (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). Information from the posterior, or back, one-third of the tongue, the circumvallate papillae, and the superior phar ynx is carried by the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX) (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) transmits information from the epiglottis, which is located in the back of the throat (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). The olfactory region also has a substantial role in taste so it warrants a brief anatomical discussion as well. Olfaction is our sense of smell and it is a response to odorants that stimulate sensory receptors that are located in the extreme superior region of the nasal cavity (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). The ten million olfactory neurons that are located in the olfactory region of the nasal cavity then travel through foramen in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone in the bottom of the skull and terminate into the olfactory bulb that’s just above the cribriform plate (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008). The olfactory tract then takes the signal from the olfactory bulb to the cerebral cortex (Seeley, Stephens, & Tate, 2008) . This is a simplified version of the much more complex biological process that is olfaction, but it is sufficient for the depth of this paper.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Definition of a Hero Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Definition of a Hero - Assignment Example It also happens in television dramas and series where a character may be a hero. However, he could be a hero for either good or evil deeds. Such kind of a person is mostly known as anti-heroes. In most cases, anti-heroic always uses all their means in order to achieve their target even if it means hurting or compromising with an interest of other parties. This is according to Garrett views. Simon sees Matthew Weigner as a baby boomer for a number of reasons. Firstly, his creativity on the role of each character is unique. The setup involves the liberal-minded and the conservatives in the town. When the liberal-minded citizens speak their minds, they call them bloomers because they criticize all that is wrong for a common citizen. Both groups address madmen as people who work against racism and sexism. Don Dropper is the man in the grey suit. He represents the conservative’ who want business to be done like in the old days. With these, he means in the early 1950’s. This is an excellent series that brings out the real message and theme. The book tries to bring out the world of homosexuals in the country. One of the characters in the book is innocent, but he is blindly attracted into it by his friend. Hence the title, ‘seduction of the innocent’. This is a harmful vice that affects our society today. However, it is legalized in some states, giving these people all the freedom they need. Medhurst demonstrates that Batman has a gay character in a number of ways. His dressing code says it all in the first place. He argues that this helps them to identify their fellows in a crowd. Further, they have secret signals and language which they typically use to communicate with each other. According to him, Batman exhibits all these features. However, this is just an illusion from Medhurst of what gay people go through in this world. Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Most Popular Alcohol Brands Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Most Popular Alcohol Brands - Assignment Example According to the research findings, priority 1 is ensuring that the consumers have full access to the information about the brands, both new and existing ones. Action Step: Hanging advertisement posters, displays and any other relevant information about the quality of the unpopular brands. Objective: To persuade as many customers as possible to taste and continue buying the unpopular alcohol brands. Priority 2: Ensuring full participation of staff and senior management in enhancing sales of the unpopular brand. Action step: Educating the entire staff about marketing and promotional activities. Objective: To create a competitive team that will promote high sales from inside the store to the alcohol market. Priority 3: Pricing, marketing strategies, and time of this operation. Action step: Â Conduct market research about the prevailing alcohol prices and set a cheaper price for the product. Develop the marketing strategies and determining the period that the whole exercise will take.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Going To The Extremes Of The Normal Curve Essay Example for Free
Going To The Extremes Of The Normal Curve Essay In statistical analysis, a normal curve represents the normal or standard distribution of data from a large sample size (Hogg, 2004). A normal curve is generally represented by a symmetrical bell-shaped distribution in a graph. A normal curve or distribution represents a sample population that has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation value of 1 (Mendenhall and Sincich, 2006). These standard scores are also called z-scores, which represent standardized data that have been had the mean value taken away and have been separated by the standard deviation. The distribution observed in a normal curve can be employed to test a hypothesis about a mean. This may be performed sampling the members of a population being studied and extracting the mean itself. By taking samples from this distribution, one may determine whether the sample mean age is different from the real mean age. This test is also referred to as the two-tailed test, wherein the extremes of the normal curve represent the proportion of cases by 0. 0. 5 or less (Hogg, 2005). This means that the scores at the low and high extremes of the normal curve may be different from the established mean of the sample population. This also provides that 95% of the sample population follows the average mean that has been calculated by simple calculation. The normal distribution that is observed in a normal curve follows the assumption that the variable of interest is well-distributed in the population. There are z tests that are considered as parametric tests that assume the setting of normally distributed data. On the other hand, those that do not require an assumption regarding the distribution of data are referred to a non-parametric statistics. References Hogg RV (2004): Introduction to mathematical statistics, 6th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. 692 pages. Hogg RV (2005): Probability and statistical inference, 7th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. 752 pages. Mendenhall W and Sincich T (2006): Statistics for engineering and the sciences, 5th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. 1072 pages.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow
Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first it’s just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time you’re rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty: cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. Th ere are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology; it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Eid vs Christmas Essay
In the building with the blue windows and the diamond shaped roof tops, children dressed in red and green with rosy cheeks, were gaily singing: â€Å"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one more hoppin’ slay! Hey! †¦ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! †In the building across the street, with the pink windows and the mosque behind it, families were visiting each other in their newly bought clothes and shining shoes, wishing each other: Eid Mubarak, Dear Brother, Dear Sister May Allah’s blessings be bestowed upon you and your family! †The year 2008 is host to Christmas and Eid al Adha during the same month, only a few days apart. One would notice that decorations and celebrations favour one of the Religious Holidays over the other. Why have we chosen to commercialise Christmas and not the Islamic event of Eid? How is it that worldwide Christmas is rejoiced at an extreme point of merriment, whereas Eid al Ad ha is commemorated only within its Islamic communities? The historical references of the birth of Christ (As) and the sacrifice of Ibrahim(As) and his son are known within both religions and are testimonies of social gatherings. Actually, in our Islamic religion we learn that Ibrahim (As) would sacrifice his son Ismael (As) in Makah, while among the Christians, they believe that Ibrahim (As) would sacrifice his son Isaac (As), not Ismael (As), in Palestine. Artists painted the scenes, poets rhymed the stories, authors researched the history, all in tribute to the religious aspect of the culture of their upbringings. So, why is Christmas the prize of the globalization of the market, and not Eid al Adha? Why is Christmas more widely accepted as a commercial Holiday and not Eid? Throughout history, religion has been a battleground for the survival of cultures and traditions. Territory was fought for based on religion, international communications broke down because of different convictions. Yet, the holidays seem to unite even people who are the farthest apart. Thanksgiving, Easter, Ramadan, Eid al Fitr, Eid al Adha and Christmas are celebrations that should be known worldwide; and for the most part they are. In the United States and Canada they honour Thanksgiving, also most westren countries have Easter and Christmas holidays; the Orient celebrate with some of these holidays. However, come Ramadan or Eid, and only the immediate Islamic based countries, like the Middle East and the South-Asian countries, know the details of the holiday. Abu Dhabi is an example of a multi-tradition and multi-cultural city. Every year, Ramadan is noticed and felt all over the city, even its peripheries. Usually, both Eids are just as important as Ramadan is. Nonetheless, this year, because Christmas and Eid al Adha are so close to each other, the shopping malls, hotels and other retail outlets are decorated with the spirit of Christmas and not the joy of Eid al Adha. The controversy is that this is an Islamic country, yet the atmosphere feels very occidental. There are Islamic countries that allow a one-day or two-day holiday scheme for Christmas, whereas Western countries don’t instigate the notion of respecting the religion of others in their society. This demonstrates the respect Islamic based governments have towards their inhabitants, what does it say about the Occident? The Islamic goverments does no justice to the foundation of its roots. It is quite disappointing when the nation’s leaders are not intervening and stating that Eid is as important as Christmas; maybe even more so! This is a country whose laws and government regulations are born from the Quran itself. True, Jesus’ (As) birth is a belief amongst Muslims, but so is the sacrificial symbol of the Adha a belief amongst the Christians and other religions in the world. Why can’t all cultures adopt the Islamic tradition of gifting children with new clothes and taking them out to restaurants and amusement parks? The government does not encourage Eid as much as it allows public places to be enveloped in Christmas decorations. In France, the Arab communities hold visitations and share in Islamic customs within their brotherhood, whilst around them Christmas carols are sung and the city is embellished in tinsel and goblins, awaiting the arrival of â€Å"Santa Claus†, or in their terms â€Å"Pere Noel. In Dubai, much like Abu Dhabi, hotels and restaurants have special Christmas luncheons. Shops and Malls give away special offers during the ‘Festive Season’. There is yet to be established an Eid theme blanketing the cities where Islam is the religion of base, like that of Christmas. What is even more upsetting is that Christmas is in itself less religious and more commercial than it was 500 years ago. Christmas has a face, a fi gure one can imagine when thinking of the Holiday: a jolly man, with a red suit and a white beard. He did not always look like this. â€Å"Santa Claus†acquired his red suit and the big belly through a Coca Cola advertisement in 1931. His image changed, distorted almost, into what we know now as â€Å"Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! †by many cartoonists. â€Å"Through the centuries, Santa Claus has been depicted as everything from a tall gaunt man to an elf. He has worn a bishop’s robe and a Norse huntsman’s animal skin. The modern-day Santa Claus is a combination of a number of the stories from a variety of countries†*. (Coca-cola. om) Children stop believing in him at a very early age, whereas before, they would reach the age of maturity and only then learn that â€Å"Santa Claus†is a spirit of St. Nicholas. Eid al Adha, was, is and always will be the same. The story never changes. The facts are facts, not subject to individual interpretation. Families pass on the same heritage that remains untouched, untainted, unpenetrated by social ref orm. In conclusion, I strongly believe that the injustice the Islamic governors does, the discrimination between religions should be educated to a halt. Eid al Adha is my upbringing. Within my family, an uncle has a Christian wife, their house is always decorated with Christmas twinkles during the season; this year, they waited with the decorations until after Eid al Adha. As a Muslim in an Islamic society, I have been brought up to respect all religions and beliefs by our Islamic governments; so why now can’t the Islamic governments respect their religion that they take oath to respect, protect, and maintain it?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Li-Fi Technology Essay
I. Introduction Li-Fi or Light Fidelity is a technology that uses light emitting diodes to transmit data wirelessly. It was first demonstrated at a TED talk in 2011 by German physicist Harald Haas. This is a free band that does not need any license. Hence it is cheaper than Wi-FI. Wi-Fi, is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves the visible light spectrum is larger than the radio spectrum which provides better flexibility in its use. Communications over a very high speed with a theoretical limit of 10 GB per second. The technology is capable of transferring thousands of streams of data simultaneously, in parallel, at higher speeds, with the help of special modulation, using a unique signal processing technology. The term Li-Fi was first used in this context by Harald Haas in his TED Global talk on Visible Light Communication. â€Å"At the heart of this technology is a new generation of high brightness light-e mitting diodes†, says Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh, UK,†Very simply, if the LED is on, you transmit a digital 1, if it’s off you transmit a 0,†Haas says, â€Å"They can be switched on and off very quickly, which gives nice opportunities for transmitted data†. Fig.1 Harald Haas It is possible to encode data in the light by varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and off to give different strings of 1s and 0s.The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eye cannot notice, so the output appears constant. With the use of light radiating diodes Li-Fi technology transfers data through wireless. Li-Fi is a new exemplar for photosensitive wireless technology to provide unprecedented connectivity within a localized data centric environment. There has been a complete shift in wireless technology due to increase demand Li-Fi is such a free band which is license free that is why it is less at cost than Wi-Fi. With the use of special intonation using a distinctive signal processing technology thousands of streams of data can be transferred simultaneously at higher speed. Li- Fi is useful in aircraft because the lights present above head can be used for data transmission. It is useful in controlling traffic at traffic signals as it communicates with LED li ghts of cars. Where there is difficult to amateur optical fibers LI-Fi is used. The new Li-Fi technology can be well managed very easily and it is pretty simple. At one corner you will be having a led which will be working as a light source and on the other corner a Light Sensor or a photo detector. Light Sensor detect light as soon as the LED light starts glowing and will give an output of either binary1 or binary0. [pic] Fig.2 Li-Fi Environment If the LED is on, you transmit a digital 1, if it’s off you transmit a 0. What is VLC? Visible light communication (VLC)-â€Å"A potential solution to the global wireless spectrum shortage†Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi, the technology of which is based on Visible Light Communication (VLC).VLC is a data communication medium, which uses visible light between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) as optical carrier for data transmission and illumination. It uses fast pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly. Li-Fi Technology at a Glance! The LED bulb will hold a micro-chip that will do the job of processing the data. The light intensity can be manipulated to send data by tiny changes in amplitude. This technology uses visible spectrum of light, a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized. In fact the technology transfers thousands of streams of data simultaneously, in parallel, in higher speeds with the help of special modulation, using a unique signal processing technology. Some Points of Li-Fi The light used to transmit the data is called D-light by Harald Hass, the inventor of Li-Fi. In future data for laptops, Smartphone’s, and tablets can be transmitted through the light in a room by using Li-Fi. Security would be a snapâ€â€if you can’t see the light, you can’t access the data. II. CONSTRUCTION The LI-FI product consists of 4 primary sub-assemblies: †¢ Bulb †¢ RF power amplifier circuit (PA) †¢ Printed circuit board (PCB) †¢ Enclosure The PCB controls the electrical inputs and outputs of the lamp and houses the microcontroller used to manage different lamp functions. An RF (radio-frequency) signal is generated by the solid-state PA and is guided into an electric field about the bulb. The high concentration of energy in the electric field vaporizes the contents of the bulb to a plasma state at the bulb’s center; this controlled plasma generates an intense source of light. All of these subassemblies are contained in an aluminum enclosure †¢ FUNCTION OF THE BULB:- At the heart of LI-FI is the bulb sub-assembly where a sealed bulb is embedded in a dielectric material. This design is more reliable than conventional light sources that insert degradable electrodes into the bulb. The dielectric material serves two purposes; first as a waveguide for the RF energy transmitted by the PA and second as an electric field concentrator that focuses energy in the bulb. The energy from the electric field rapidly heats the material in the bulb to a plasma state that emits light of high intensity and full spectrum. The design and construction of the LI-FI light source enable efficiency, long stable life, and full spectrum intensity that is digitally controlled and easy to use. â€Å"There are over 14 billion light bulbs worldwide, they just need to be replaced with LED ones that transmit data†. III. HOW LI-FI WORKS? [pic] Fig. 3 block diagram of Li-fi communication In order to know the working of Li-fi we need to know the necessity for Li-fi .With the vast development in living the use of gadgets and invention of new gadgets is increasing which lead to the technological developments. There are many situations in which people get frustrated with the dull performance signals of Wi-Fi at a place with many network connections in seminars conferences etc. Li fi fulfils these needs .this fantabulous idea first striked the mind of Harald Haas from University of Edinburgh, UK, in his TED Global talk on VLC.His idea was very simple that if the LED is â€Å"on†then the digital 1 can be transmitted and if the LED is off†then the digital 0 can be transmitted. LED’s can be switched on and off very quick. For transmitting data this way all that we require is LED’s and controller that code data into Led’s. Parallel data transmission can be done by using array of LED’s or by using red, green, blue LED’s to a lter light frequency with the frequency of different data channel. Advancements and enhancements in this field generate a speed of 10 gbps! But amazingly fast data rates and lowering band widths are not the only reasons that enhance this technology. Li-fi usually is based on light and so it can be probably implemented in aircrafts and hospitals that are prone to inference from radio waves .Unlike Wi-Fi, Li-Fi can work even under-water which makes it more advantageous for military operations. Radio waves are replaced by light waves in data transmission called Li- Fi. Light emitting diodes can be switched on and off very much faster than the human eye allowing the light source to appear continuously. The data transmission is done through binary codes which involve switching on LED can be done by logic 1 and switch off using logic 0.The encoding of information in light can therefore be identified by varying the rate at which the LED’s flicker on and off to give strings of 0’s and 1’s.visible light communication is this method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly. To further get a grasp of Li-Fi consider an IR remote. It sends a single data stream of bits at the rate of 10,000-20,000 bps. Now replace the IR LED with a Light Box containing a large LED array. This system is capable of sending thousands of such streams at very fast rate. Light is inherently safe and can be used in places where radio frequency communication is often deemed problematic, such as in aircraft cabins or hospitals. So visible light communication not only has the potential to solve the problem of lack of spectrum space, but can also enable novel application. T he visible light spectrum is unused; it’s not regulated, and can be used for communication at very high speeds. IV. COMPARISON BETWEEN LI-FI & WI-FI LI-FI is a term of one used to describe visible light communication technology applied to high speed wireless communication. It acquired this name due to the similarity to WI-FI, only using light instead of radio. Li-Fi technology is based on LEDs for the transfer of data. The transfer of the data can be with the help of all kind of light i.e. Light may be Invisible, Ultraviolet or Visible part of spectrum. The speed of the internet is incredibly high and the user everything in just a few minutes. V. ADVANTAGES †¢ Capacity †¢ Availability †¢ Efficiency †¢ High Security †¢ Easy To Use †¢ Fast Data Transfer †¢ Harmlessness †¢ Low-cost VI. DISADVANTAGES: Still there are some backdrops like it can only transmit When in the line of sight well it can be sorted †Visible-light communication: Tripping the light Fantastic: A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming†, Economist, dated 28Jan 2012 out someday I hope. â€Å"There has been a lot of early hype, and there are some very good applications†. VII. APPLICATIONS 1. Education systems As with the advancement of science the latest technology is the LIFI which is the fastest speed internet access service. So this will leads to the replacement of WIFI at institutions and at companies so that all the people can make use of LIFI with same speed intended in a particular area. 2. Extends our life span As operation theatres do not allow WIFI due to radiation concerns. Usage of WI-FI at hospitals interferes with the mobile and pc which blocks the signals for monitoring equipments. Therefore the replacement for this Wi-Fi is Li-Fi as Hass has mentioned in his TED TALK that LIFI has 10,000 times the spectrum of Wi-Fi. Because the lights are not only al-lowed in operation theatres but also the most dazzling fixtures in the room. 3. Reduction in accident numbers At traffic signals, we can use LIFI in order to communicate with LED lights of the cars by the number of accidents can be reduced. Data can be easily transferred by making use of LIFI lamps with the street lamps. 4. Replacement for others technologies This technology doesn’t deal with radio waves, so it can easily be used in the places where Bluetooth, infrared, WIFI and Internet are banned. In this way, it will be most helpful transferring medium for us. It includes other benefits like: †¢ *A very wide spectrum over visible wave length range. †¢ * Extremely high colour fidelity. †¢ *Instant start time. †¢ *Easy terminal Management. †¢ *Dynamic dark i.e. brightness Modulation of lamp output to enhance video contrast. †¢ *Trouble-free integration into existing light engine platform. †¢ Li-Fi is the upcoming and on growing technology acting as competent for various other developing and already invented technologies. Since light is d major source for transmission in this technology it is very advantageous and implementable in various fields that can’t be done with the Wi-Fi and other technologies. Hence the future applications of the Li-Fi can be predicted and extended to different platforms like education fields, medical field, industrial areas and many other fields. VIII. CONCLUSION The possibilities are numerous and can be explored further. If this technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used something like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless data and we will proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer and brighter future. The concept of Li-Fi is currently attracting a great deal of interest not least because it may offer a genuine and very efficient alternative to radio-based wireless. As a growing number of people and their many devices access wireless internet, the airwaves are becoming increasingly clogged, making it more and more difficult to get a reliable, high-speed signal. This may solve issues such as the shortage of radio-frequency bandwidth and also allow internet where traditional radio based wireless is not allowed such as aircraft or hospitals. One of the shortcomings however is that it only work in direct line of sight. CONCLUDING REMARKS: †¢ Overcomes the limitations of radio spectrum †¢ High speed of 10 Gbps can be achieved †¢ Lifi can solve the foressential problems of wireless communications these days IX. REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. speed- of-light/ 5. 6. 7. ill Li-Fi be the new Wi-Fi?, New Scientist, by Jamie Condliffe, dated 28 July 2011. 8. 9. †Visible-light communication: Tripping the light fantastic: A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming†, Economist, dated 28Jan 2012 10.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Maya American Writer essay
buy custom Maya American Writer essay Angelou, Maya American writer, poet, and entertainer, well acknowledged for her representations as a powerful African American women. In the essay, Reclaiming Our Home Place, Angelou recommends that, for African Americans, the option to go back to the South is a tendency to be claim back the assistance that our ancestors presented. As said by Angelou, the South and what it symbolizes for African Americans has modified in the preceding one hundred years. According to them, the North symbolizes a possibility to get money off the fields of cotton of the South where their authority had yet to be acknowledged. Angelou recommends that African Americans did not know it but they were separated in the North, and living in exile, they were not reconstructing what had been spoiled in the south but basically winding up and migrating to a position that required no maintenance for the reason that to them symbolized an improved life as compared to the one in the South. For several African Americans, the South started to symbolize their inheritance. This is where their ancestors had struggled to stay alive, this was their heritage and they possessed it to them to return, and claim it back. There were indentured to be the terible remembering of the people who had gone through these sufferings because of their race, but it was wholly upon them to make use of that fight back as a constructing unit towards their upcoming time of future in the South. Norris, Kathleen (1880-1966) was an American novelist and journalist born in California. The book from which this essay Can You Tell the Truth in a Small Town? is extracted is Dakota; A Spiritual Geography, and really, right through this reading Norris recommends that lands physical characteristics have a deep effect on the spirits of the communities she explains. This explanation creates the belief that geography has a deep effect on a community and what worth it has. In the book, Can You Tell the Truth in a Small Town? Norris searches the nature and responsibility of community life inside small towns. One of the main ideas in this essay is the stressed people living in a small town on the Plains look themselves to be between being a component of their community and having a few liberty and freedom for themselves. A second main idea of the essay inquires the propensity of people of small-town Plains to make pleasant or too even over repulsiveness. Angelou writes the essay to show the migration of people from South to North in search of a better life. Norris migrated to a small town and observed the livings of people there. Both the author portrays the geographical distribution of communities, their thoughts and heritage. Norris explains about the difficulties in telling a truth in a small town all because of those frantic social activities. Comparing these two essays one thing is clear that is the discrimination of people and residential district based on race or other social problems. People migrate for their better living, but it is not that just so easy to be accepted by people of other communities of a different race and heritage. In both the essays, the common theme is the difference of cultures, communities, heritage and race create frantic situations in a society that tries to stop people to tell the truth and tend them to live accordingly by the set of rules made by the communities of that particular region. Kathleen Norris portrays the frantic social influence over the lives of people residing in a small town in America while Angelou explains the migration of people from South to North for the better living but find difficult to settle there due to racial differences. Buy custom Maya American Writer essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Essay
Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing - Essay Example A production function is a unit which represents the relationship between output variables with respect to input constraints. In mathematical terms, an effective production function is a demonstration of input-output relationship. Just as the equation shows Y= f (c1, c2, c3, c4†¦) the production output Y depends on production quantities c1, c2, c3, and c4 respectively (Khanna, 1980). To settle this relationship Riordan manufacturing will have to design an integrated production plan. Process modeling is the very first stage of an effective production plan which is done by dividing production phase in three major phases, planning phase, action phase and control phase. In the planning phase, Riordan manufacturing should include product design and order writing activities. Similarly, in the action phase the firm should include process routing, material handling, tool control, loading and scheduling as the action operations (Patil, 2008). In the last, the firm should include expediti ng and re-planning as control activities. On establishing the three production phases, an integrated relationship will be settled in the Riordan production system. Once it is settled, the relationship of production output and input will be assured. But before designing the process stage it is necessary that Riordan manufacturing set initial production objectives. Just as lowering production, inventory and shipment costs to maximize profits or improving employee skill to maximize productivity.... In the planning phase, Riordan manufacturing should include product design and order writing activities. Similarly, in the action phase the firm should include process routing, material handling, tool control, loading and scheduling as action operations (Patil, 2008). In the last, the firm should include expediting and re-planning as control activities. On establishing the three production phases, an integrated relationship will be settled in the Riordan production system. Once it is settled, the relationship of production output and input will be assured. But before designing the process stage it is necessary that Riordan manufacturing set initial production objectives. Just as lowering production, inventory and shipment costs to maximize profits or improving employee skill to maximize productivity can be set as production goals. In this forecast is also very important like forecasting sales or turnover will determine how much efficiently the new production plan is working (Patil, 2 008, pp. 242). Strategic Capacity Planning for the New Process Design For international business firms especially those which believe in supply chain principles, capacity planning is vibrantly important for such firms. Riordan, which is specializing in integrated production management must adopt the approach of integrated capacity management (Jacobs, 2006). Planning the capacities of production facilities, workmen, machinery, equipment, distribution or inventory will bring proficient results for Riordan. Once the capacity management approach is there in all sections of the firm (procurement, production, inventory, and transportation) it will have stability to control supply and demand
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Journal 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal 3 - Essay Example n almost unanimously agree,†Adding that, â€Å"Debates over immigration can continue for decades, resulting in significant policy changes without -- or even in opposition to -- presidential leadership. Scholars point to the lengthy debates of the 1840s and 1850s, when nativists particularly feared the growing political power of Irish Roman Catholics. From roughly 1880 through 1930, the "new immigrants" from Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe provoked many Americans into predictions of what they called racial "mongrelization.",†(Gabaccia, p.1). In consideration of the high level of immigrants which traveled to the Americas long ago and to a certain extent to this day, it is quite intriguing to see the lack of discussion that occurs on a political level as it comes to the debate over such an issue that possesses great historical relevance to the history of any nation, including the United States. In the case of current debate, often times the subject of immigration is placed heavily on the issue of border control between neighboring countries. When it comes to choosing political candidates, it becomes quite commonplace to view them first in foremost through such means as categorizing based on ethnic background, nationality, or even gender. Despite the continued desire among many to see those who live within the borders of the United States through such means that are not legal, it continues to be an issue for discussion that appears to have no clear cut way for attempting to solve the matter at all. In the end, â€Å"Race, ethnicity, religion, and nativity can fig-ure prominently in presidential campaigns precisely because they symbolize the depth of contradictions in the shifting political coalitions that uneasily unite national parties. That was certainly the case in 1928. It is equally true today,†(Gabaccia, p.2). One of the basic things which many take for granted is that of the chance to wear what we want and to do so when we please. Such
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